Search Result
" Marriage"

275 results

Arts & Culture - Film
10/8/2013 1:53:30 PM
Despite its reputation as a proponent of tolerance in an otherwise conservative region, Lebanon bans the screening of a film about homosexuality and another on short-term 'pleasure marriages'

World - International
9/26/2013 12:09:22 PM
Former US President George H.W. Bush and his wife are the official witnesses of a same-sex marriage between two women in Maine

Life & Style - Health
9/22/2013 12:20:59 PM
A new study reveals that marriage can be a life saviour, especially for men, in the year following angioplasty

World - Region
9/14/2013 2:21:52 PM
The Yemeni government forms a committee to verify reports about the death of an 8-year-old girl after being married to a man in his 40s

Opinion -
9/5/2013 9:02:09 PM
It may have been a marriage of convenience, but it had all the hallmarks of a match made in heaven. Why did it sour?

World - International
7/21/2013 11:13:06 PM
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill declares same-sex marriage 'a path towards destruction'

World - International
6/29/2013 6:57:30 PM
Parisians mark first Gay Pride march since the country adopted a new gay marriage and adoption bill last month

World - International
6/26/2013 6:49:50 PM
US Supreme Court strikes down act denying same-sex couples equal rights to heterosexual couples

World - Region
6/12/2013 9:23:06 AM
One Syrian refugee in Jordan says he reluctantly opted to marry off his teenage daughter to a rich 40-year-old Saudi man, hoping to ease his family's financial hardships

World - International
6/6/2013 8:41:23 PM
Russian President Putin and his wife, Lyudmila, announce that they have separated and their marriage is over after 30 years

Business - Economy
5/30/2013 2:07:47 PM
Reports of Chinese tourists forging marriage certificates for honeymoon discounts, letting children defecate in airports, and vandalising ancient sites spark outrage at home

World - International
5/29/2013 1:22:52 PM
Same-sex marriage is legal in 14 states, with France being the most recent

World - International
5/26/2013 5:10:27 PM
Opposers to the newly-passed law legalizing gay marriage in Paris come out to protest in thousands

World - International
5/22/2013 10:04:59 AM
Britain has seen none of the mass protests over gay marriage held across the channel in France

World - International
5/20/2013 8:50:49 PM
Main opposition Labour Party, though it supports gay marriage, hints it could join Conservative rebels

Egypt - Politics
5/19/2013 2:40:36 PM
Egypt's statistical agency CAPMAS releases statistics on marital status by age groups, gender and urban and rural areas in the country

World - International
5/18/2013 12:44:22 PM
Gay marriage and adoption by same-sex couples becomes legal in France after president signs new law

World - International
4/24/2013 2:00:57 PM
French President Francois Hollande calls people to 'seek calm' following parliamentary approval of a controversial bill on same-sex marriage

World - International
4/22/2013 6:26:04 PM
France faces division over the approval of a pro-homosexual marriage bill despite the parliamentary majority enjoyed by the ruling Socialists

World - International
4/17/2013 6:37:48 PM
New Zealand becomes the first country in Asia-Pacific to legalize same-sex marriage after a bill promoting it won favour in parliament

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