Search Result
" Middle East Respiratory Syndrome"

19 results

Life & Style - Health
1/10/2018 2:01:53 PM
MERS, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, is a SARS-like viral infection first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012 that has caused deadly outbreaks

World - International
7/3/2014 11:07:03 AM
Philippine health authorities are urging Muslim Filipinos to postpone their pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia due to worries about the Middle East respiratory syndrome virus

World - Region
6/5/2014 7:25:01 PM

World - Region
6/3/2014 6:48:38 PM

World - International
5/22/2014 4:58:54 PM

World - International
5/13/2014 9:41:00 PM

World - Region
5/13/2014 7:46:35 PM

World - Region
5/11/2014 11:37:36 AM

World - Region
5/7/2014 1:07:16 PM

World - Region
5/3/2014 5:16:05 PM

World - Region
4/27/2014 8:53:15 AM

Life & Style - Health
4/25/2014 5:07:40 PM

World - Region
4/24/2014 4:33:18 PM

World - Region
4/20/2014 9:38:21 AM

World - Region
4/14/2014 5:33:29 PM

World - Region
4/9/2014 10:27:29 AM

Life & Style - Health
9/19/2013 10:19:58 AM
Saudi health ministry announces that two citizens have died after contracting the MERS coronavirus

World - Region
7/27/2013 5:53:58 PM
Out of 89 people who have contracted the virus globally, 68 were registered in Saudi Arabia; fatality rate about 51 percent

World - Region
7/7/2013 2:53:19 PM
The World Health Organisation announced on Friday it had convened emergency talks on MERS, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome conavirus