Search Result
" Nile Delta"

353 results

Business - Economy
10/20/2018 3:56:37 PM

Business - Economy
10/17/2018 2:41:04 PM

Egypt - Politics
10/4/2018 11:42:28 AM

Egypt - Politics
9/30/2018 10:57:34 AM
Weather will be milder along the country's northern coast than in Cairo and the Nile Delta

Egypt - Politics
9/29/2018 2:14:54 PM
Parliament opens its fourth legislative season amid expectations two landmark laws will be passed

Egypt - Politics
9/16/2018 10:42:32 AM

Egypt - Politics
9/15/2018 4:10:33 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
9/3/2018 9:00:00 AM

Business - Economy
8/3/2018 3:32:02 PM

Egypt - Politics
8/1/2018 9:59:52 AM

Business - Economy
7/28/2018 9:10:43 PM
Head of parliament’s Energy and Environment Committee Talaat Al-Sewidi explains recent changes in the sector to Ghada Raafat

Egypt - Politics
6/24/2018 2:05:32 PM

Egypt - Politics
6/9/2018 12:46:11 PM

Business - Economy
5/27/2018 2:52:46 PM

Egypt - Politics
5/21/2018 1:53:53 PM

Egypt - Politics
5/19/2018 8:34:41 PM

Rio -
5/8/2018 11:05:23 AM

Multimedia -
5/6/2018 2:38:06 PM

Egypt - Politics
4/28/2018 12:30:22 PM
In 2015, hundreds of low ranking policemen went on strike in the Nile Delta’s Sharqiya governorate to demand better working conditions and financial incentives

Business - Economy
2/23/2018 7:06:33 PM
'The economic solution to cultivating Egyptian land where soil and water resources are highly salinized requires alternative crop production and management systems suitable for available marginal resources,' Dr. Al-Dakheel says

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