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" PMI"

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Business - Economy
3/5/2023 6:53:03 PM
Egypt’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector upped slightly in February to 46.9 from 45.5 seen in January, remaining below the 50 neutral mark, Standard and Poor's (S&P) Global said on Sunday.

Business - Economy
2/5/2023 2:25:46 PM
Egypt's purchasing managers' index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector declined by 1.7 points in January to 45.5, down from 47.2 in December – one of the swiftest deteriorations in the last 26 months – according to Standard and Poor's (S&P) Global.

Business - Economy
1/4/2023 1:27:53 PM
Egypt’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector inched up to 47.2 in December compared to 45.4 recorded in November, Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Global said on Wednesday.

Business - Economy
12/5/2022 3:00:54 PM
Egypt’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector dropped from 47.7 in October to 45.4 in November, marking the second lowest level since June 2020 and extending the current sub-50 sequence to two years, with readings below 50.0 indicating a contraction, Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Global said on Monday.

Business - Economy
11/3/2022 6:56:39 PM
Egypt Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for non-oil private sector slightly rose to 47.7 in October, up from 47.6 in September, according to a report by Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Global that was released on Thursday.

Business - Economy
10/4/2022 4:44:08 PM
The output of Egypt’s non-oil businesses registered a marked contraction in September for the 13th month in a row driven by energy rationing, part shortages and weak demand amid the ongoing global economic challenges, Standards and Poor’s (S&P) Global announced on Tuesday.

Business - Markets & Companies
9/24/2022 7:18:49 PM
The United Tobacco Company (UTC), a subsidiary of the American multinational tobacco giant Philip Morris International (PMI), has started manufacturing cigarettes in the Egyptian market, ending the decades-old monopoly by the state-owned Eastern Tobbaco Company on the manufacturing of cigarettes.

Business - Markets & Companies
9/5/2022 5:04:49 PM
Egypt’s headline Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector edged up in August to 47.6, the highest level since February, compared to 46.4 recorded in July, Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Global announced on Monday.

Business - Markets & Companies
8/3/2022 12:30:08 PM
Egypt’s headline Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector rose to 46.4 in July, up from a two-year low of 45.2 in June, the highest in over a year, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Global said on Wednesday.

Business - Economy
7/6/2022 12:59:11 PM
Egypt’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector — released by the American credit rating agency Standard and Poor’s (S&P) — started to inch down in June after its slight climb in May, registering 45.2, down from 47.

Business - Economy
6/26/2022 12:46:44 PM
Hit by cascading crises, Egypt’s latest Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) showed that the country’s non-oil business sector was noticeably impacted by global inflationary pressures, Economist at Standards and Poor’s’ (S&P Global) Market Intelligence Department David Owen told Ahram Online (AO).

Business - Markets & Companies
5/8/2022 12:57:00 PM
Egypt’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector rose slightly in April to 46.9, up from 46.5 in March, however, the sector is still suffering from the second quickest deterioration in its activity in two years, Standard and Poor’s (S&P) announced on Sunday.

Business - Markets & Companies
4/5/2022 12:23:15 PM
Egypt’s headline purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector fell to 46.5 in March, down from 48.1 in February, indicating a significant decline in the health of the country’s non-oil economy, according to a report released by S&P Global on Tuesday.

Business - Markets & Companies
3/3/2022 12:08:40 PM
Egypt’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for non-oil private sector rose to 48.1 in February, up from 47.9 in January, according to an IHS Markit report released Thursday.

Business - Economy
2/3/2022 3:59:01 PM
Egypt’s purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for the non-oil business sector fell in January to 47.9, down from December’s 49, the lowest reading since 47.7 in April 2021, IHS Markit announced on Thursday.

Business - Markets & Companies
1/4/2022 2:40:48 PM
Egypt’s purchasing manager index (PMI) has moved closer to the 50 neutral level and is above its long-run average of 48.2 since April 2011.

Business - Markets & Companies
12/5/2021 11:58:11 AM
Egypt’s purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector maintained at 48.7 in November, indicating a moderate deterioration as it is still below the 50 neutral mark for 12 successive months, IHS Markit announced on Sunday.

Business - Economy
11/3/2021 11:04:43 AM
Egypt’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) — a gauge that indicates operating conditions in the non-oil private sector economy — declined slightly in October to post 48.7 in October, down from the 48.9 recorded in September, the lowest since May, IHS Markit said on Wednesday.

Business - Markets & Companies
10/5/2021 7:07:38 PM
Egypt’s purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for the non-oil private sector witnessed a slight drop in September — the fourth downturn in a row — recording 48.9 points, down from the 49.8 seen in August, according to IHS Markit.

Business - Economy
9/5/2021 1:05:16 PM
IHS attributed such a rise to the increasing concerns over raw material prices and signs of a pick up in demand in the Egyptian market.

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