Search Result
" Peace talks"

1136 results

Egypt - Politics
12/15/2010 5:02:00 PM
Mubarak met both PA President and Middle East envoy Mitchell to discuss the stalled direct talks, as Washington rushes to salvage peace talks between Israel and Palestine

World - Region
12/15/2010 11:39:26 AM
Australia's Foreign Minister wants the Arab world to "focus" exclusively on Iran

World - Region
12/14/2010 5:13:19 PM
Abbas met with Mideast envoy Mitchell on Tuesday to procure US guarantees before pursuing indirect negotiations with Israel

World - Region
12/14/2010 3:55:49 PM
The Israeli military is preparing for the possibility of an outbreak of violence in the West Bank, following the collapse of direct peace talks

World - Region
12/13/2010 6:23:40 PM
A group, calling themselves the Elders, has called on the international community to abandon their "flawed" attempts at peace and adopt a new approach in the Mideast based on international law and human rights

World - Region
12/12/2010 3:21:23 PM
In an exclusive interview with Ahram Online, Shaath expressed his resentment of the US's handling of the reinitiated Israeli-Palestinian direct talks, anticipating little change from Washington's renewed vigour

World - Region
12/11/2010 12:21:00 PM

World - Region
12/11/2010 10:54:32 AM
The US failure to forge a deal with regard to Israel's settlement policy, left the administration with no other alternative but to change its language

World - Region
12/8/2010 6:20:00 PM
The two decade old peace process yet again faces deadlock as Washington officially admits its failure to stop Israel's illegal settlement expansion in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

World - Region
12/8/2010 3:14:09 PM
Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit urged the international community on Wednesday to call an 'end game' in Middle East peace talks and set clear deadlines for reaching an Israeli-Palestinian agreement

World - Region
12/8/2010 1:03:58 PM
Palestinian leader said peace talks with Israel were in crisis after Washington's decision to drop its demand for a new freeze on Jewish settlement building

World - Region
12/5/2010 12:00:00 PM
After the latest round of failed peace talks and the enduring settlement construction, President Abbas has threatened "to end Palestinian self rule"

World - Region
12/2/2010 1:52:50 PM
No deal on new Israeli settlement freeze; a US official admitted Washington's failure in bringing Palestinian and Israeli representatives back to the negotiating table

World - Region
11/29/2010 6:18:56 PM
Israel gave preliminary approval for 130 new apartments in disputed east Jerusalem on Monday, the area the Palestinians want as the capital of their state

World - Region
11/28/2010 1:47:32 PM
Hamas leader, Meshaal, appeals to the PA to launch resistance against the Israeli occupation and the settlements

World - International
11/1/2010 12:00:00 AM
Kicked off with much bravado in September, the Middle East peace talks sponsored by US President Obama have ground to a halt as both Palestinian and Israeli delegations await the results of the US midterm elections.

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