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" Peace talks"

1134 results

World - International
1/10/2021 10:02:28 AM
A roadside bomb exploded in Afghanistan's capital Sunday, killing at least three people in a vehicle, the latest attack to take place even as government negotiators are in Qatar to resume peace talks with the Taliban.

World - Region
12/29/2020 5:20:54 PM
Paris urged all Libyan parties to back a political settlement to the conflict and hold elections in December 2021 as scheduled

World - Region
12/27/2020 12:32:25 PM
Turkey is the main foreign backer of the Tripoli-based GNA that has been fighting Haftar's LNA that is backed by Egypt, Russia and the UAE

World - Region
12/24/2020 9:01:50 PM
"The colonizing enemy has one of two choices: either to leave peacefully or to be driven out by force," Hafter said, referring to Turkey

World - Region
12/23/2020 4:54:22 PM
The Turkish parliament approved Erdogan's bill extending the deployment of military troops in Libya for 18 months

World - International
12/20/2020 9:57:48 AM
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack

World - Region
12/19/2020 10:00:00 PM
"We are ready for cooperation and dealing with the new U.S. administration, and we are expecting that it would re-draw its ties with the state of Palestine," Al-Malki said

World - International
12/17/2020 12:32:56 PM
The devices can be crude or sophisticated - but planting them is cheap, simple and hard to defend against

World - International
12/14/2020 12:47:27 PM
The talks between the Afghan sides began in Qatar in September, months after the United States and the Taliban struck a deal

World - International
12/10/2020 7:03:06 PM
The document details a 21-point list of rules and procedures for the negotiations and sheds light on what the talks, which are taking place behind closed doors, actually look like.

World - International
12/1/2020 1:42:43 PM
'To safeguard what we have reached so far, we must not take any rash actions,' Maas said

World - International
11/30/2020 1:27:30 PM
Ministry spokesman Fawad Aman told AFP that Waziristani was a Taliban militant from the Pakistani border region of Waziristan

World - Region
11/26/2020 5:53:46 PM
Meetings of the Joint Military Commission in northern Libya have yet to make progress on other key demands of a UN-brokered agreement, underlining its fragility

World - International
11/19/2020 10:24:07 AM
And it comes days after the Pentagon announced it would reduce the number of US military personnel in Afghanistan from 4,500 to 2,500 by mid-January

World - Region
11/18/2020 6:54:46 PM
'In order to achieve and consolidate such a peace, the Palestinian and Israeli conflict needs to be resolved,' Zayani said

World - Region
11/10/2020 10:25:23 PM
Erekat, who was a key figure in Palestinian politics for decades, always voiced support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

World - Region
11/5/2020 9:14:04 PM
Warring factions returned to the negotiating table in September in UN-supported talks, with negotiations being held in Morocco, Egypt and Switzerland

World - Region
11/1/2020 7:31:51 PM
The UN's Libya mission said that a joint military commission with representatives from the two parties to the country's conflict will meet this week on Libyan soil

World - Region
10/27/2020 8:10:09 PM
The United Nations acting Libya envoy expects coming political talks to designate a date for national elections, she told Reuters on Tuesday, after the country's two warring sides agreed a ceasefire last week

World - International
10/21/2020 12:58:49 PM
The ambush came despite assurances by the Taliban to Washington last week that they would reduce bloodshed

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