Search Result
" Ports"

328 results

Business - Economy
1/22/2013 11:22:14 AM
Kuwait's ports were temporarily closed due to heavy fog that extended as far as the south of Dubai, UAE

Egypt - Politics
4/24/2012 7:58:13 PM
A number of blazes have recently broken out in Suez and in other industrial areas

Egypt - Politics
4/18/2012 12:06:29 PM
Egyptian Meteorological Authority warns drivers to be extra vigilant as 'Khamasin' sandstorms reduces visibility across the country, disrupting Suez ports and Cairo International Airport

Business - Economy
2/29/2012 7:35:11 PM
Suez port workers strike after holding three-day sit-in to protest posting of Egyptian naval officers in the area; three neighbouring ports allegedly join 'general strike'

Egypt - Politics
2/28/2012 10:08:17 AM

Egypt - Politics
2/17/2012 5:04:06 PM
Meteorological services spokesperson says rain is expected in Northern Egypt, Sinai and Cairo in the coming days as Ports shut down due to dusty winds

Egypt - Politics
2/4/2012 3:28:34 PM
Two-day old violence is brought to unpredictable halt around the ministry of interior where deadly clashes have been ongoing between protesters angry over Port Said massacre and police forces who are blamed for it

Sports - Africa
1/5/2012 4:47:42 PM
Former Lyon and Portsmouth footballer Nadir Belhadj is being investigated for bigamy following a complaint made by a woman claiming to be his wife, a judicial source revealed on Thursday

World - International
12/12/2011 12:37:31 PM
Anti-Wall Street protesters, hoping to briefly cripple a key supply chain of American commerce and re-energise their movement, plan to attempt to block major West Coast ports

Sports - World
11/12/2011 6:42:38 PM
Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp and his former Portsmouth chairman Milan Mandaric will stand trial in January over charges of tax evasion

Business - Economy
9/25/2011 11:13:42 AM
Shipping operations slow as nearly 1,000 employees at the emirate's three ports down tools, demanding better pay and working conditions

Business - Economy
9/21/2011 5:14:59 PM
Incoming cargo has climbed 27 per cent and transit trade more than twice that, as shippers benefit from closures of Syrian ports and the US withdrawal from Iraq

World - Region
7/2/2011 3:25:13 PM
Greece coastguards enforced a ban on all Gaza-bound ships setting sail from their ports for a second day Saturday, throwing pro-Palestinian activists' plans increasingly into disarray

World - Region
7/2/2011 12:03:55 PM
American protesters on a boat bound for the Gaza Strip have been escorted back to shore, as Greece announced it was banning vessels heading to Gaza from leaving Greek ports

Business - Economy
5/23/2011 7:16:15 PM
Under pressure from EU and IMF creditors, debt-stricken country begins to privatise key state possessions

World - Region
4/14/2011 3:42:04 PM
While Israel tries to convince neighbouring countries to dissuade a 15-ship flotilla to sail from their ports, they work a proposal to allow it on condition of an int'l inspection team

Business - Economy
4/5/2011 2:23:04 PM
Analysts hail 'signal Libyan is open to trade' but warn of further fighting in eastern oil areas

Business - Economy
3/28/2011 10:57:14 AM
Anti-Gaddafi forces retake major oil terminals, agree export deal with Qatar

Business - Economy
3/16/2011 1:20:46 PM
Island nation still exporting significant volumes, say traders

World - International
3/12/2011 11:49:52 AM
Ports were temporarily shut and islanders and coastal residents ordered to higher ground before the Tsunami surge Latin America's states, but it did little damage

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