Search Result
" Postponed"

829 results

Sports - World
3/28/2020 11:18:04 AM

Al-Ahram Weekly - Sports
3/26/2020 3:04:00 PM
The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will be postponed for a year due to the coronavirus pandemic

Sports - Omni sports
3/24/2020 7:57:33 PM

Sports - World
3/23/2020 2:15:02 PM

Sports - World
3/17/2020 3:47:12 PM

Sports - World
3/17/2020 2:55:26 PM

Sports - Egyptian Football
3/14/2020 3:33:43 PM
UAFAAC decided to postpone the semifinal matches of the Arab Cup until further notice due to coronavirus

Sports - World
3/14/2020 10:30:59 AM

Sports - World
3/12/2020 6:39:43 PM

Sports - World
3/11/2020 2:35:13 PM

Sports - World
3/11/2020 11:16:20 AM

Sports - Omni sports
3/10/2020 8:02:29 PM
The 2020 Olympics are due to open in Tokyo on July 24 but with coronavirus sweeping the world, there is growing concern that the Games will be either postponed or even cancelled

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
3/10/2020 3:03:20 PM
Luxor African Film Festival has cancelled its events and the Awladna International Forum of Arts for the Gifted has been postponed indefinitely

Sports - Omni sports
3/7/2020 1:24:45 PM

Sports - World
3/7/2020 10:26:05 AM

Arts & Culture - Visual Art
3/6/2020 3:53:23 PM
Previously scheduled for 23 May, the exhibition will now open on 29 August

World - Region
3/3/2020 1:27:29 PM

Arts & Culture - Screens
3/1/2020 5:51:48 PM
Forty-one cases of the viral disease have been confirmed in the Gulf kingdom

Sports - World
2/29/2020 2:01:08 PM

Sports - World
2/27/2020 12:41:52 PM

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