Search Result
" Prison"

2835 results

Egypt - Politics
3/4/2014 4:31:25 PM
El-Sayed, El-Sayes and Kamal, three leading activists from the 2011 popular uprising, released after more than a month-long spell in prison

World - International
2/26/2014 1:44:56 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/25/2014 9:40:58 PM
Political activists organise a silent stand on 6 October Bridge to protest political detainees regardless of their affiliation

World - Region
2/24/2014 5:41:03 PM

Arts & Culture - Film
2/24/2014 9:16:09 AM
Kamran Shirdel's films have been censored, banned and celebrated for documenting hidden parts of Iranian society — the plight of Tehran's prostitutes, the desperation of female prisoners, and the reality behind false heroes.

World - International
2/23/2014 4:50:07 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2014 2:59:09 PM
Next session in the trial, in which Morsi is accused of breaking out of prison during the 2011 revolution, is on Monday

World - International
2/22/2014 1:31:47 PM

World - Region
2/20/2014 5:29:37 PM

World - Region
2/20/2014 5:25:39 PM

World - Region
2/20/2014 12:35:05 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/19/2014 8:09:53 PM
General Prosecution visits four Egyptian prisons early Wednesday, highlighting deficiencies only in Abu Zaabal Prison

Egypt - Politics
2/17/2014 1:20:00 PM
Noam Chomsky among signatories of petition condemning 'arbitrary arrest, detention and torture of peaceful activists' – allegations the authorities deny

World - International
2/17/2014 12:12:06 PM

World - International
2/15/2014 7:30:50 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/15/2014 2:02:50 PM
Seven of Khairat El-Shater's security guards get jail sentences for assaulting journalists in March 2013

World - Region
2/14/2014 10:49:51 AM

World - Region
2/13/2014 7:23:33 PM

World - International
2/13/2014 9:28:06 AM

Egypt - Features
2/12/2014 11:00:03 PM
Interior ministry denies torture exists in Egyptian police stations and prisons despite numerous testimonies by detainees and rights activists

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