Search Result
" Reforms"

898 results

Business - Economy
9/27/2018 12:41:50 PM

World - Region
9/25/2018 1:43:23 PM

Egypt - Politics
9/19/2018 7:27:41 PM
The president's comments on the much anticipated reforms in the education system came during a busy day inaugurating major health and other projects in various governorates via video conference in Menoufiya governorate

World - Region
8/29/2018 3:49:04 PM

World - Africa
8/12/2018 4:59:22 PM

Business - Economy
8/8/2018 10:20:29 PM

Business - Economy
7/25/2018 10:42:18 AM

World - Region
7/18/2018 11:58:06 AM

Business - Economy
7/3/2018 4:18:29 PM

Egypt - Politics
7/1/2018 7:30:47 PM

Egypt - Politics
6/30/2018 9:19:34 PM

Business - Economy
6/22/2018 1:02:32 PM
Despite social and other challenges, the government is pressing ahead with its economic reform programme

World - Region
6/9/2018 10:44:59 AM
As the end on the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia nears, the government has released a group of political activists and initiated a cabinet reshuffle

World - Region
6/6/2018 9:29:47 PM

Egypt - Politics
6/5/2018 11:00:27 PM

World - International
5/30/2018 10:31:09 AM

World - International
5/26/2018 6:44:56 PM

World - International
5/15/2018 1:46:57 PM

Business - Economy
5/14/2018 4:28:21 PM

Business - Economy
5/5/2018 12:27:04 PM
Egypt agreed to the three-year IMF loan programme in November 2016, tied to sweeping reforms such as spending cuts and tax hikes

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