Search Result
" Reforms"

911 results

World - International
12/19/2012 10:04:54 AM
Public sector workers protest new austerity measures in Greece

World - Region
12/16/2012 5:34:49 PM
A call on conservative Gulf monarchies to free political prisoners and stop the security crackdown on those wanting democratic reforms was issued by the Gulf Forum for Civil Societies

World - Region
12/13/2012 10:05:22 PM
Sheikh Abdessalam Yassine who formed Morocco's biggest Islamist movement al-Adl Wal Ihsane and the major player in last year's protests that led the monarchy to institute constitutional reforms, dies

World - International
12/13/2012 12:00:18 PM
In the latest show of tension between Catalonia and the Spanish government, Catalans organise street protests against plans to reform the teaching of their language in schools

World - Region
12/11/2012 8:45:59 PM
Amnesty International states that while it welcomes the release of detained Jordanian activists over last months protests, claims it is 'too little too late' as no wider human rights reforms are planned

World - Region
11/28/2012 12:48:03 PM
Algeria's ruling party seeks a victory in local elections following political reforms adopted by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika at the wake of Arab Spring

World - Region
11/23/2012 3:56:28 PM
Around 300 Jordanians protest against rising fuel prices and call for the government step down

World - Region
11/21/2012 4:10:36 PM
Even though Bahrain tried to undergo the political and security reforms they promised Amnesty International to make, progress was overshadowed by the harsh steps taken to quell protests, says the rights group

Business - Economy
11/20/2012 12:09:45 PM
A UK official tells Ahram Online that they back the IMF conditions to the long-awaited loan to Egypt and, if met, are willing to speed up slow-going negotiations

Egypt - Politics
11/18/2012 3:19:51 PM
Ayman Nour and his liberal Ghad Thawra party will not quit, give constituent assembly until Saturday to meet proposed reforms

Business - Economy
11/11/2012 7:46:16 PM
A part of a package of energy subsidy reforms, high-end 95-octane will see its subsidy cut very soon, says finance minister

Business - Economy
11/1/2012 2:16:15 PM
Market takes third consecutive fall as court-ruling and looming economic reforms prompt caution among foreign investors

World - International
11/1/2012 2:06:41 PM
In last leg of Balkans tour, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will stress importance of collaboration between Albanian political parties to push through EU-required reforms

Business - Economy
10/29/2012 5:55:56 PM
Despite widespread calls for social justice, experts say modest reforms to the region's capitalist systems are all that can be expected

Business - Economy
10/28/2012 3:26:33 PM
Momtaz El-Said says that some features of the reform programme demanded by fund will be implemented in the current fiscal year

Business - Economy
10/28/2012 10:53:25 AM
Additional reforms demanded by Greece's international auditors include a loosening of hiring-and-firing laws and changes to minimum wages

Business - Economy
10/27/2012 4:58:22 PM
US president underscores importance of Wall Street reforms passed during his term, expresses regret that many Republicans, backed by industry lobbyists, fought against them

Business - Economy
10/26/2012 11:44:18 AM
Lagarde says delays in implementing new financial regulations could stall a global recovery

Business - Economy
10/25/2012 12:03:08 PM
Reforms in trade and land use might be the key to avoiding future food crises, new report says

Business - Economy
10/24/2012 11:07:17 AM
Potential deal between Athens and its international lenders would mean further lay-offs and public sector cuts but give two years to meet targets, documents show

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