Search Result
" Salafists"

420 results

Egypt - Politics
11/21/2014 4:41:41 PM
Salafists plan to protest against the government on 28 November bearing Qurans

Egypt - Politics
11/14/2014 2:32:42 PM
Ahead of delayed parliamentary elections, Al-Nour Party is facing a legal charge to have it dissolved as it is facing opposition from follow Islamists and dissent within its own ranks

Egypt - Politics
11/11/2014 4:13:00 PM
Interior ministry vows to block protests planned by ultra-conservative Salafist Front

World - Region
10/23/2014 10:44:04 PM

World - Region
10/19/2014 3:55:32 PM
New Salafist parties are unlikely to challenge Tunisia's leading Islamist party Ennahda at upcoming parliamentary poll

Egypt - Politics
10/15/2014 7:17:36 PM
Youness Makhioun said that women candidates in his party for the upcoming parliamentary elections should have 'good morals' and wear the head veil

Egypt - Politics
7/13/2014 2:20:57 PM
Simple as it might appear, in reality it will not be easy for the major current of Jihadist Salafists in Sinai to convert to their Iraqi counterpart ISIL; however, it is not impossible

Opinion -
7/4/2014 12:36:44 PM
The state should support preachers so they devote their lives to spreading the message of Islam — one best understood through Sharia

Egypt - Politics
6/14/2014 4:00:57 PM
Opinions are divided among different Islamist groupings and parties as to how best to return to the political scene

Books -
3/20/2014 4:41:49 PM
A new study by Hasanein Tawfiq Ibrahim delves into Salafist discourse on citizenship and associated rights and freedoms, of which they largely remain suspicious

World - Region
3/14/2014 1:06:35 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/26/2014 5:19:36 PM
Amr Abdullah was arrested after a during a fight with Salafists at Al-Hussein Mosque in Cairo in November 2013

Opinion -
2/1/2014 4:10:55 PM
Salafists are trying to market themselves to the US. But can they explain, let alone justify, their stand on important issues like democracy and the rights of minorities?

Egypt - Politics
1/21/2014 11:33:35 PM
Sheikh Yasser El-Borhamy says that the Muslim Brotherhood leaders abandoned their followers to face death in the dispersal of sit-ins

World - Region
1/5/2014 11:51:08 AM

World - Region
12/20/2013 2:39:34 PM

Opinion -
12/19/2013 1:14:55 PM
While the ultraconservative Salafist Nour Party lost the battle over Egypt's new constitution, it is likely they will survive politically, and could even take the lead in the Islamist movement

World - Region
12/1/2013 6:00:10 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/24/2013 9:42:27 PM
As constitutional committee finalises draft, disputes over definition of Islamic sharia in preamble continue to cause ruptures

Egypt - Politics
11/23/2013 8:59:18 PM
The ultraconservative Salafist Nour Party rejects the opening paragraphs of Egypt's new draft constitution, accusing its drafters of adopting Western, secular values

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