Search Result
" Sirte"

290 results

World - Region
9/17/2011 10:08:12 AM
The U.N. Security Council eases sanctions on Libya to enable key institutions to recover

World - Region
9/16/2011 4:39:59 PM
Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, remembers those who sacrificed themselves and calls for unification as he gives a speech in Tripoli, whilst Libyan fighters blitz Sirte

World - Region
9/16/2011 2:01:10 PM
Libyan opposition fighters advance and continue attacks on two of the besieged towns, Sirte and Bani Walid, while Turkey hopes to reap political and economic dividends as Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan visits Tripoli

World - Region
9/16/2011 12:39:35 PM

World - Region
9/16/2011 12:11:01 PM
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrives in the Libyan capital on his final visit of the "Arab Spring" tour, while violent clashes take place in Gaddafi hometown Sirte

World - Region
9/16/2011 11:33:08 AM

World - Region
9/15/2011 6:04:11 PM
Libya's former rebels advance on Sirte attempting to topple last Gaddafi bases

World - Region
9/15/2011 3:03:43 PM
A convoy of battle-hardened fighters headed for Muammar Gaddafi's hometown Sirte in gruelling heat Thursday, confident of overcoming one of the strongman's final pockets of resistance

World - Region
9/11/2011 6:57:43 PM
Libyan forces who have launched an assault on the last holdout towns of Muammar Gaddafi's loyalists were still meeting resistance in one desert town on Sunday, and said they had edged towards the ousted ruler's birthplace Sirte

World - Region
9/10/2011 11:28:11 AM
Fighting erupts at Gaddafi bastions in Libya as the deadline set by anti-Gaddafi forces for their opponents to surrender expires

World - Region
9/9/2011 5:50:04 PM
Anti-Gaddafi forces strike back after being attacked by loyalist fire in Bani Walid and Sirte and get ready for war maintaining the deadline for surrender is still on Saturday

World - Region
9/9/2011 4:07:45 PM
Fighting erupts in outskirts of Bani Walid and Sirte as Gaddafi loyalists in control of the towns fire at National transition council positions near them

World - Region
9/8/2011 5:34:21 PM
Libyan rebel fighters capture the Red Valley, one of the main line of defense of Gaddafi troops east of Sirte while talks between rebels and Gaddafi loyalists in Bani Walid broke down before Saturday deadline

World - Region
9/7/2011 1:43:12 PM
As the deadline given for pro-Gaddafi forces approaches, clashes break out close to Gaddafi strongholds, meanwhile Niger denies the embattled leader or his sons have crossed into the country

World - Region
8/31/2011 12:25:45 PM
Celebrations in Libya marking the end of Ramadan add to the fervour of those hailing Gaddafi's downfall as rebels close in on the fugitive dictator's Sirte stronghold

World - Region
8/30/2011 12:53:01 PM
Libyan rebels take news that Gaddafi's wife and three of his children have fled to Algeria as an affront to the Libyan revolution, but also as a sign that Gaddafi is ready to call it quits

World - Region
8/28/2011 3:21:27 PM
Gaddafi supporters in the fallen leader's hometown of Sirte being given the chance to surrender to rebels

World - Region
8/28/2011 12:21:23 PM
It will take Libyan rebels more than 10 days to take Sirte, Muammar Gaddafi's home town and one of his last bastions of support, a rebel commander said

World - Region
8/24/2011 4:54:35 PM
Opposition fighters face pockets of resistance as they progress onto the town of Sirte

World - Region
8/18/2011 7:19:26 PM
Rebels have been fighting to sever supply lines to Gaddafi's hometown, Sirte

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