Search Result
" Social Media"

845 results

Business - Economy
4/14/2012 11:58:26 AM
Regional uprisings have created fresh demand for products and made governments more sympathetic to the needs of new and smaller companies, say Middle East entrepreneurs

World - Region
3/27/2012 10:38:15 PM
Dubai's top security official accused supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday of using social media to stir up opposition to the Gulf's ruling elite

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
3/25/2012 6:30:18 PM
Following a year's worth of looting, well-known American archeologist Carol Redmount has launched a social media campaign to rescue the archaeological site of El-Hibeh next to the Egyptian city of Beni Suef

Arts & Culture - Film
3/18/2012 5:26:35 PM
Documentary film on the role of social media in the Arab revolutions will be aired on BBC Arabic on Monday

World - International
2/28/2012 3:03:12 PM
The International Narcotics Control Board says North America continues to be the world's largest illicit drug market

Business - Economy
2/20/2012 12:35:45 AM

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
2/7/2012 11:40:56 AM
Young journalists are invited to apply to participate in a free cultural education programme in April/May with the theme 'Social media in a changing world'

Egypt - 25 January: Revolution continues
1/30/2012 6:38:00 PM
Ahram Online speaks to 10 of 2011's most famous Egyptian revolutionary 'tweeps' about whether Twitter is detached from the common people, and what the role of the social network will be in the coming months

Egypt - Media
1/20/2012 8:56:00 AM
Mosireen, a media collective responsible for collating some of the most iconic videos of the Egyptian revolution, is now one of the most popular non-profit channels in the world after just four months of being on YouTube

Egypt - Politics
11/21/2011 3:51:59 PM
Show the world what's happening with your videos, photos and eyewitness reports

World - International
10/6/2011 2:32:26 PM
Mourned internationally, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' far-reaching impact reverberates through social media, presidential statements

Business - Economy
10/6/2011 1:40:54 PM
A flood of Chinese-made products in Palestine is prompting the territory's one remaining keffiyeh maker to target overseas markets using social media

World - International
9/25/2011 2:44:14 PM
A woman who frequently posted anonymous information on drug gang lookouts and drug sales points on a news networks' site was found decapitated with a note left by a cartel

Egypt - Politics
9/21/2011 10:41:53 AM
Egyptians opposed to the ruling military council's use of repressive measures blast the army on its own, official Facebook page

Business - Economy
9/19/2011 5:57:05 PM
User numbers have been surging in Middle East countries seeing popular uprisings, says a new report on social media

Egypt - Politics
8/14/2011 11:27:29 AM
A new study shows that more people in the Arab world use and trust Facebook more than mainstream media

Egypt - Politics
8/7/2011 11:28:53 AM
Already known for his bizarre media statements on the January 25 Revolution, singer Amr Mostafa has gone one step further in his latest interview, judging from the reaction on social media

Egypt - Politics
5/5/2011 2:54:55 PM
Wael Ghonim, the Egyptian Google exec who initiated the call for demonstrations through social media, wins freedom prize from Reporters Without Borders

Opinion -
4/1/2011 11:43:23 AM
Allied to real grievances and political action, social media has aided activists to organise and mobilise the first acts of popular uprisings and revolutions across the Middle East

Life & Style - Health
3/31/2011 1:02:50 PM
Add "Facebook depression" to potential harms linked with social media, an influential doctors' group warns, referring to a condition it says may affect troubled teens who obsess over the online site

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