Search Result
" Tarek Osman"

116 results

Books - Reviews
5/28/2020 1:00:55 PM

Books - Reviews
5/10/2020 5:17:40 PM
The story of the Jews, according to Simon Schama, is fundamentally one of “finding the words” to express their experience

Opinion -
4/18/2020 1:40:00 PM
Coming changes, post-coronavirus, will extend beyond the role of states to encompass new forms of global strategic confrontations

Opinion -
2/9/2020 1:22:00 PM
Egyptian Nobel prize-winning novelist Naguib Mahfouz’s later collections of reflections and dreams could be seen as the culmination of his entire literary output, writes Tarek Osman

Opinion -
1/17/2020 5:16:00 PM
Behind the headlines, rich and long dynamics continue to play out in Iran, in its relation to the Arab world, outside powers, and domestic currents

Opinion -
1/4/2020 5:21:44 PM

Opinion -
10/21/2019 6:47:26 PM

Opinion -
8/11/2019 5:04:06 PM
Is the US demanding too much of its Arab allies in carrying out its objectives in the Middle East

Opinion -
6/5/2019 6:58:34 PM

Opinion -
4/10/2019 10:27:18 AM
Conflicts with far-reaching and long-term consequences are on the horizon in the Eastern Mediterranean

Opinion -
2/27/2019 5:30:59 PM
Tarek Osman pinpoints the factors enhancing or preventing more cooperation between members of the Arab and European countries

Opinion -
2/2/2019 3:42:53 PM
Can Europe realise its ambitions to become a global superpower like the US and China

Opinion -
1/3/2018 1:05:58 PM

Opinion -
7/27/2015 6:07:56 PM
The historical US-Iran nuclear deal is a great success for the Islamic regime and its major quandary

Opinion -
6/25/2015 9:03:01 AM
Hafez Assad died this month fifteen years ago. His legacy continues to haunt Syria and the regime he founded

Egypt - Politics
2/15/2015 9:55:35 PM
21 Copts were abducted late last year; IS speaker says in English 'oh crusaders, safety for you will be only wishes' and vows to 'conquer Rome'; President Sisi says Egypt reserves right to retaliate

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