Search Result
" Teachers"

185 results

Egypt - Politics
8/9/2011 2:13:19 PM
The 'For Egypt’s Teachers' Coalition in Asyut demand minimum wage

World - International
6/15/2011 6:36:06 PM
Civil service union intends to join teachers in strike July 30, warning government to reconsider spending cuts before more unions decide to follow suit

World - Region
5/9/2011 12:21:28 PM
Two protesters killed by security on Monday in focal protest province in Yemen

Business - Economy
4/10/2011 3:16:21 PM
Rare protests in Riyadh and Jedda target lack of opportunities and low wages for teachers

Egypt - Politics
3/7/2011 2:12:34 PM
Ahmed El-Tayeb popular in Aswan

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