Search Result
" Teachers"

185 results

World - Region
8/23/2020 9:33:17 PM
Teachers' Association lawyer Bassam Freihat confirmed the release of the 13, including acting head of the union Nasser Nawasreh

Egypt - Politics
8/18/2020 3:40:38 PM
Cambridge International promised to issue the new results as soon as possible and urged schools to inform their students of their grades based on their teachers’ predictions.

World - International
8/13/2020 12:51:54 PM
The world's fourth-most populous country has allowed schools to reopen with limited capacity in 'yellow' and 'green' zones

World - Region
7/25/2020 6:07:43 PM

World - International
7/10/2020 9:48:26 PM

World - International
3/22/2020 3:47:42 PM

World - International
3/15/2020 7:48:39 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/8/2020 4:01:46 PM
Measures include the decontamination of classes and acquainting teachers with means to handle infectious diseases to prevent their spread

World - International
12/17/2019 4:16:09 PM
Teachers, hospital workers and other public employees joined transport workers for the third day of marches since the dispute began on December 5, demanding the government abandon its plan

Egypt - Politics
11/25/2019 4:57:25 PM
55 students and teachers have been released from the hospital after receiving treatment, and the rest are in stable condition

Egypt - Politics
10/7/2019 9:24:22 PM

World - Region
10/6/2019 9:55:00 AM

World - Region
10/1/2019 6:00:00 PM

World - International
9/18/2019 1:04:30 PM

Egypt - Politics
6/10/2019 4:04:38 PM

World - Region
3/24/2019 1:09:58 PM

World - Region
3/13/2019 1:29:38 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/17/2019 12:03:20 PM
News that all Egyptian teachers would have a wear a new uniform was met by criticism as well as mockery on social media in Egypt

World - International
2/10/2019 9:43:26 PM

World - Region
2/6/2019 6:39:14 PM

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