Search Result
" Thawra"

38 results

Egypt - Politics
3/12/2013 9:33:04 PM
Ghad Al-Thawra Party head Ayman Nour says Qandil govt faces imminent dismissal, while cabinet spokesman says such a move isn't even being considered

Egypt - Politics
2/23/2013 2:01:56 PM
The Muslim Brotherhood slams arson attack on the main Ghad Al-Thawra Party offices, accuses Black Bloc

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2013 10:19:42 PM
Six unknown perpetrators set fire to headquarters of liberal opposition Ghad Al-Thawra Party in Cairo's downtown late on Friday

Egypt - Politics
2/21/2013 4:38:00 PM
Ghad El-Thawra founder said he is ready to head the government if he is asked but that might not be necessary, at least yet

Egypt - Politics
2/11/2013 4:59:46 PM
Leading members of liberal opposition party Ghad Al-Thawra demand the withdrawal of their leader, Ayman Nour, from the new Islamist-dominated front

Egypt - Politics
2/10/2013 2:24:02 PM
New front made up of Islamists and some non-Islamists, including Ghad Al-Thawra Party head Ayman Nour, formed to 'end bloodshed' and achieve goals of revolution

Egypt - Politics
11/18/2012 3:19:51 PM
Ayman Nour and his liberal Ghad Thawra party will not quit, give constituent assembly until Saturday to meet proposed reforms

Egypt - Politics
11/16/2012 6:06:55 PM
Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party hosts groups from across political spectrum to mull response to ongoing Israeli aggression against Hamas-run Gaza Strip

Egypt - Politics
11/4/2012 9:03:18 PM
After meeting heads of political parties on Sunday, presidency asserts that consensus has been reached on '90 per cent' of the contents of Egypt's new national charter

Egypt - Politics
9/29/2012 2:26:31 PM
The 2005 presidential candidate and head of Ghad El-Thawra Party freezes its activities; announces party headquarters will now be used for newly launched Egyptian Conference

Egypt - Politics
9/28/2012 1:59:52 PM
Tribal chiefs from the Sinai peninsula expressed their appreciation for and desire to work with the police in securing the region

Presidential elections 2012 - Presidential elections news
5/1/2012 4:39:24 PM
Excluded presidential candidate announcement implies his party may back Mubarak era figures Amr Moussa or Ahmed Shafiq

Books - Review
3/7/2012 7:10:55 PM
The author sees the revolution as a long process that requires major political responses - but has been met with a political vacuum

World - Region
2/3/2012 6:12:28 PM
After Yemeni loyalist gunmen besieged a leading state-owned newspaper's offices, photos of the veteran President Ali Abdullah Saleh appears on the front page of Al-Thawra with 'apologies' from the people to him

World - Region
2/2/2012 2:10:23 PM
Yemen's Al-Thawra newspaper is besieged and its distribution blocked by loyalists of Ali Abdullah Saleh after they stopped printing the portrait of the outgoing president on its front page

Egypt - Politics
1/21/2012 6:18:04 PM
Former member of parliament and presidential contender in 2005 has decided to freeze his campaign for this year's elections as long as the ruling military council remains in power

Elections 2011 - Political Parties
12/3/2011 9:24:57 PM

Arts & Culture - Visual Art
7/14/2011 3:01:00 PM
The Revolution Artists Union have been quick to creatively reflect on the current political situation in Tahrir Square

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