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304 results

World - Region
2/27/2014 5:26:50 PM

World - Region
2/21/2014 5:28:45 PM

World - International
2/13/2014 2:44:05 PM

World - Region
2/13/2014 11:36:53 AM

World - International
1/3/2014 3:45:08 PM

World - Region
12/15/2013 4:24:32 PM

World - Region
12/11/2013 12:00:14 PM

World - Region
12/10/2013 12:57:57 PM

World - Region
12/9/2013 6:45:10 PM

World - Region
11/29/2013 11:56:40 AM
Children make up half of the 2.2 million Syrians who have fled their homeland

World - Region
11/15/2013 5:02:48 PM

World - Region
11/12/2013 9:33:29 AM
Migrants already recognised as asylum seekers with UNHCR will by default be given residency rights in Morocco; same treatment expected to follow suit for 25,000-40,000 illegal immigrants

World - Region
10/4/2013 4:21:17 PM
Refugee representatives, Britain's Border Force begin negotiations after Syrians block French ferry terminal in attempt to reach UK

World - Region
10/2/2013 1:16:10 PM
Syria's neighbours have, so far, absorbed the majority of refugees, estimated at two million people

World - Region
9/30/2013 10:21:19 AM
UN's six-person team of chemical weapons experts says it hopes to present final report on attacks by late October

Egypt - Politics
9/13/2013 3:34:46 PM
Political pressures on Syrian refugees in Egypt have increased refugee flows across the Mediterranean; UNHCR estimates that 4,600 Syrians have arrived by sea in Italy in 2013

World - Region
9/5/2013 3:40:33 PM
Lebanon estimates one million Syrians are now taking shelter in the country

Egypt - Politics
9/2/2013 1:41:15 PM
Syrian refugees in Egypt, already displaced by civil war, have recently faced general media vilification, accusing them of being pro-Muslim Brotherhood, activists say unjustly

World - International
8/13/2013 3:16:04 PM
UN reiterates call for peace after violent clash erupts in Rohingya Muslim camp

World - Region
8/6/2013 4:44:10 PM

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