Search Result
" Uprising"

1459 results

Books - Review
2/24/2011 5:41:21 PM
El-Desuky records testimonials and reactions from discussions on the history of Egyptian movements dating back to 1964 until the student movement in 1972

World - Region
2/24/2011 2:51:39 PM
Angry Benghazi residents hold "mercenaries" and run city after trashing their barracks

Multimedia -
2/24/2011 2:41:13 PM
Images of the Libyan uprising against the rule of president Muamar Gaddafi

World - Region
2/23/2011 5:59:59 PM
As the revolt in Libya reaches its first week, citizens around the region express their support of the protesters and condemnation of Gaddafi in more strident terms than their governments

World - Region
2/23/2011 4:55:27 PM
Key events in Libya, where major unrest against the regime of Moamer Gaddafi broke out on February 15

World - Region
2/23/2011 4:40:13 PM
Analysts say that Gaddafi’s regime is weak as its power structure crumbles after tribes turn against him

World - Region
2/23/2011 3:27:35 PM
Saudi King Abdullah arrived in his homeland Wednesday after three months abroad, boosting social benefits for his people as he returned to a Middle East rocked by anti-regime uprisings

World - Region
2/22/2011 6:20:37 PM
Israel insists there is no connection between popular uprisings in the Arab world and in Israel-Palestinian conflict

Egypt -
2/22/2011 4:59:17 PM
Official death toll as of Tuesday from Egypt's January 25 Revolution, although many are still missing

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2011 4:31:36 PM
Egypt's new military rulers send reinforcements following Gaddafi's violent crackdown on protesters

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2011 4:21:00 PM
Sacrifice made by the revolution's martyrs honoured by universities

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2011 3:55:24 PM
People's committees in control of Libya's side of the Egypt border are reportedly in opposition of Gaddafi

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2011 2:21:20 AM
Egyptians are squeezed in the midst of Gaddafi's crackdown on protesters: Egyptians die and aid workers not permitted to cross border

Egypt - Politics
2/21/2011 2:25:49 PM
Amr Moussa, Arab League chief, analyses the recent changes in the Arab region and "doesn't rule out" running for president of Egypt.

World - Region
2/21/2011 1:04:01 PM
Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi warns of civil war and 'rivers of blood' as Libya's popular uprising reaches the capital

Egypt - Politics
2/21/2011 6:22:37 AM

Egypt - Politics
2/21/2011 12:00:00 AM
In the wake of the 18 day uprising, Egyptians begin to call for a public takeover of state media organs considered to be part and parcel of the widely loathed regime

Egypt - Politics
2/20/2011 1:17:27 PM

World - Region
2/20/2011 1:14:30 PM
Pro-Saleh demonstrators attempted to disperse an anti-government protest as shots were fired in the 9th day of Yemen's uprising

World - Region
2/19/2011 4:19:35 PM
Algerian police, outnumbering protesters, are mobilized to the May 1 Square to try to hinder a march inspired by uprisings in neighboring Arab countries

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