12/4/2024 5:16:13 PM
Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Sewilam stressed that cooperation among nations represents "a fundamental pillar" in addressing the growing global challenges in the water sector due to water scarcity and climate change, read a statement released Wednesday by the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.
Al-Ahram Weekly
6/20/2024 2:26:00 PM
The Future of Egypt is a huge milestone project enhancing water and food security.
War in Sudan
5/1/2024 10:25:28 PM
As summer begins and temperatures rise, the suffering of the Sudanese people in the city of Nyala, South Darfur State, is worsening due to the acute shortage of water.
2/28/2024 1:25:31 PM
The MENA region faces severe water scarcity and climate shocks. As a result, we must prioritize the adaptation to climate change, as well as mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
Foreign Affairs
1/23/2024 11:39:53 PM
The European Union reiterated on Tuesday its support for Egypt’s water security, recognizing the North African nation’s heavy reliance on the Nile River amid its water scarcity.
Al-Ahram Weekly
10/31/2023 10:54:30 PM
Placing the water issue at the forefront of global climate action was at the heart of discussions during Cairo Water Week 2023, reports Nesmahar Sayed
Urban & Transport
10/30/2023 9:53:18 PM
Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Sewilam said on Monday that Egypt is expanding the reuse of agricultural drainage water, which stands at 21 billion cubic metres annually, to minimize water scarcity.
9/5/2023 1:43:37 PM
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman revealed on Monday that his country is establishing a Global Water Organization to address global water supply challenges and secure water sustainability.
8/16/2023 7:00:08 PM
Egypt and China signed a deal to collaborate on developing drought and salt-tolerant crops to overcome water scarcity and salinity in Egypt as the country confronts the major impacts of climate change.
Al-Ahram Weekly
7/22/2023 9:33:00 AM
The world has long been embroiled in conflicts over precious natural resources. However, since the mid-20th century, countries have become more acutely aware than ever of the looming threat of water scarcity.
6/15/2023 6:16:01 PM
In an interview with Ahram Hebdo, Abdul-Hakim Elwaer, Assistant Director General UN FAO Near East and North Africa, says hunger and malnutrition are pressing issues in Arab countries, stressing net-food importing countries, such as Egypt, should increase sustainable agricultural production to reduce heavy reliance on imports.
6/1/2023 3:10:25 PM
Egypt's Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources has signed three agreements with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on water consumption rationalization projects financed by the Netherlands and Japan, read a cabinet statement on Thursday.
5/30/2023 2:30:07 PM
Climate change and water scarcity pose challenges to achieving food security and meeting water needs in Egypt, according to Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Hani Sewilam.
Foreign Affairs
3/23/2023 7:55:41 PM
The continuation of Ethiopia's unilateral practices in the operation of its “oversized dam” poses an existential threat to 150 million citizens and could lead to the “exacerbation of irregular migration,” said Egypt’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Sewilam.
3/20/2023 2:59:29 PM
With half the world experiencing water scarcity for at least part of the year, the huge dams being built by some countries to boost their power supplies while their neighbours go parched are a growing source of potential conflict.
Climate change
11/4/2022 3:27:00 PM
The Middle East is at high risk of water and food scarcity as well as severe heat waves as a result of climate change, said a Greenpeace study released Wednesday.
Al-Ahram Weekly
10/18/2022 8:24:09 PM
Water scarcity and climate change were the focus of the fifth edition of the Cairo Water Week, reports Doaa El-Bey
10/8/2022 3:02:15 PM
Mahmoud Mohieldin, the UN Climate Change High Level Champion for Egypt, urged that governments – with private sector participation - develop infrastructures resilient to natural disasters as well as impacts of climate change such as heat, water scarcity, and energy deficiencies.
Al-Ahram Weekly
9/29/2022 11:53:00 AM
Reusing water in Egypt and the rest of the MENA region is key to increasing water availability.
9/11/2022 4:34:45 PM
Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Suweilam said that Egypt is one of the world's most affected countries by climate change, noting that the country is suffering water scarcity, high temperature, erosion and saltwater intrusion into fresh water.