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" business"

1845 results

Egypt - Politics
12/22/2010 5:47:55 PM
Most of the leading positions of parliamentary committees went to the ruling NDP's business tycoons

World - Region
12/22/2010 4:18:30 PM
As production and operation in Israeli settlements becomes increasingly contentious, international businesses are moving out of originally Palestinian areas

Business - Economy
12/22/2010 8:00:00 AM
The Sawiris, Egypt's biggest business family, have declined in rankings on Arab Business magazine's annual list of the Arab world's wealthiest. The Heikel brothers make their first-ever entry

Egypt -
12/20/2010 6:41:06 PM
Egypt and Israel will continue business as usual despite recent espionage case

Business - Markets & Companies
12/19/2010 4:52:47 PM
Egypt's oldest-traded textile company, Al Arafa Investments & consulting, more than doubled its profits, citing improved market conditions

Business - Economy
12/17/2010 1:51:00 PM
Marriage of politics and business, allegations of nepotism, favouring the rich. Palm Hills Development has been hailed as a job-creating engine of growth, and damned as yet another example of crony capitalism

Books - Review
12/15/2010 1:03:13 PM
Sefsafa publishing celebrated its first year in business since opening last year. Mohamed El-Baali has published twenty-five titles and commissioned two titles for translation with the University of Sorbonne in Paris

Egypt -
12/13/2010 9:02:35 AM
The “End Human Trafficking Now” conference in Luxor brought together more than 500 government, UN, NGO and business representatives around a common platform of fighting modern day slavery

Business - Markets & Companies
12/11/2010 3:44:58 PM
Despite his jeans and the laptop hanging off his shoulder, Amr El-Salanekly, 20, is not your average third-year university student. He is co-founder of Skinzo, the first Egyptian company to produce laptop skins.

Business - Markets & Companies
12/9/2010 7:04:07 PM
With business booming, Chevron is looking to expand both production and exploration.

Business - Economy
12/9/2010 7:03:55 PM
Ahead of hosting the 2022 World Cup, Qatar is looking for partners in infrastructure development, sending a top delegation to Egypt from Friday

Business - Markets & Companies
12/9/2010 5:40:42 PM
VimpelCom to acquire Weather from Egyptian businessman Sawaris if it succeeds in refinancing its debt. The deal will establish it as the world’s fifth telecommunication company.

Business - Region
12/5/2010 12:50:34 PM
Germany lines up to get a slice of Iraqi business as the country's foreign minister in Baghdad expresses concern over recent violence.

Egypt -
12/2/2010 5:47:37 PM
Sinai beaches are back in business as a shark believed responsible for a string of attacks on swimmers is caught, though not all concerned are happy.

Business - Markets & Companies
12/2/2010 10:54:32 AM
The internet giant Google may be on the edge of settling its biggest $5-billion bid for Groupon, the fastest growing online discount shopping, in what is expected to extend Google's dominance in online advertising.

Egypt - Politics
11/30/2010 5:08:00 PM
The preliminary results of yesterday's election show old guard and business tycoons as the biggest winners

World - Region
11/28/2010 4:54:00 PM
Late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s son Yuval proposed a peace initiative together with Koby Huberman, a businessman, in response to the Arab intiative presented in 2002, which Israel flatly rejected

Egypt - Egypt Elections 2010
11/27/2010 4:53:55 PM
Once notorious business tycoon Rami Lakah is back in town, vying for a parliamentary seat in Shubra, to the consternation of some

Egypt - Politics
11/27/2010 9:29:25 AM
The Criminal Court of Alexandria will hold the fourth session in the trial of slain businessman Khaled Saeed next Saturday

Business - Markets & Companies
11/26/2010 5:00:19 PM
Individual investors show their interest in Egyptian real estate firm, Amer Group's, as the initial public offering (IPO) was oversubscribed 5.8 times

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