Search Result
" charity"

239 results

World - Region
8/8/2016 6:34:11 PM

Life & Style - Health
7/19/2016 5:12:01 PM
The young adventurer talks to Ahram online about his upcoming Africa Highest Summit Fundraiser to build roof tops for the underprivileged

Sports - Omni sports
7/18/2016 1:09:56 PM

Multimedia -
7/3/2016 5:29:00 PM

World - International
6/17/2016 1:55:57 PM

Multimedia -
6/8/2016 2:58:44 PM
Large numbers of poor Egyptians break fast at traditional Charity Iftars - free meals organised by businesses and community organisations - across the country (Photo: Mai Shaheen)

Arts & Culture - Music
5/5/2016 3:49:27 PM

Sports - World
4/20/2016 11:39:12 AM

Sports - Africa
4/15/2016 7:48:04 PM

Life & Style - Health
4/5/2016 2:19:03 PM
The annual half-marathon will take place on 15 April

World - Region
3/13/2016 3:51:25 PM

World - Region
3/5/2016 11:43:25 AM

World - International
2/18/2016 5:34:58 PM

World - International
1/2/2016 2:03:10 PM

Multimedia -
12/19/2015 1:38:52 PM
The second Zayed Charity Marathon benefiting hepatitis patients entailed a 10-kilometre marathon around New Cairo's Tagmouaa district

World - International
12/8/2015 8:41:20 PM

Sports - World
11/14/2015 8:30:44 PM

Sports - Africa
11/1/2015 11:24:51 AM

World - Region
10/27/2015 10:27:06 AM

World - International
10/4/2015 7:33:32 PM

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