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" crash"

1988 results

Egypt - Politics
11/5/2015 1:58:43 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/5/2015 1:36:55 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/5/2015 12:51:07 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/5/2015 11:30:53 AM

Egypt - Politics
11/5/2015 10:34:11 AM

Egypt - Politics
11/5/2015 1:30:21 AM

Egypt - Politics
11/4/2015 10:23:11 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/4/2015 10:09:00 PM
The plane crashed half an hour after it left Sharm airport on Saturday morning; UAE and other airlines have already taken similar measures

World - Region
11/4/2015 11:00:46 AM

Egypt - Politics
11/3/2015 8:14:00 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/3/2015 3:06:32 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/3/2015 2:31:51 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/3/2015 2:15:25 PM
Airbus A321, which crashed in Sinai on Saturday, was registered in Ireland and owned by an Irish firm

Egypt - Politics
11/3/2015 1:59:12 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/3/2015 1:57:17 PM

Egypt - Politics
11/3/2015 10:21:36 AM
US State Department spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau said that the US authorities have not seen any reports that would indicate that ISIS group terrorists were involved in taking down the Russian Airbus A321

Egypt - Politics
11/3/2015 10:00:00 AM
Experts believe the flash may have been the result of a fuel tank or engine explosion, though they have not ruled out the possibility of an on-board bomb

Egypt - Politics
11/2/2015 9:17:37 PM
Plane broke apart in midair; external impact suspected but flight recorders show jet wasn't struck from outside; there is no direct evidence of terrorism; plane was in 'excellent' condition yet it had been previously damaged

Multimedia -
11/2/2015 7:38:17 PM
People look at flowers left for the plane crash victims at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Monday, Nov. 2, 2015

Multimedia -
11/2/2015 5:53:45 PM

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