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" exam"

786 results

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
4/16/2020 8:15:00 AM
Students from grade three to nine are required to work on research papers instead of taking final exams. Al Ahram Weekly looks into the difficulties of moving to the new system

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
4/10/2020 1:48:00 PM
While the school year is suspended, grade 10 students are taking experimental online exams, reports Reem Leila

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
4/3/2020 2:15:00 PM

Egypt - Politics
4/2/2020 4:17:24 PM
Students from third grade through third preparatory stage will be asked to prepare one multi-discipline research paper for the whole year not for every subject

Books -
3/28/2020 3:15:41 PM
Tanmeya bookstore, for example, is offering 20 and 30 percent discounts on books for the public and doctors, respectively

Egypt - Politics
3/26/2020 11:25:47 PM

Al-Ahram Weekly - Opinion
3/24/2020 4:54:27 PM
With the world in pandemic lockdown, Hussein Haridy examines the state and prospects of regional dynamics and affairs

Egypt - Politics
3/21/2020 8:14:51 PM

Egypt - Politics
3/19/2020 11:27:00 PM
Primary and most preparatory school pupils will prepare research papers from home; higher grades will take exams in school with new safety precautions

Egypt - Politics
3/19/2020 3:05:27 PM

Egypt - Politics
3/13/2020 8:20:11 PM

Al-Ahram Weekly - Culture
3/9/2020 12:29:00 PM
In 'The Evolution of Opera Theatre in the Middle East and North Africa' by Paolo Petrocelli, the author looks at the presence of the opera houses in the region, while creating a rich historical background

Egypt - Politics
3/3/2020 5:54:50 PM
The infected citizen will stay in isolation before undergoing another medical exam on 16 March

Egypt - Politics
3/2/2020 11:44:28 AM
In the past weeks Egypt has upped preventive measures at all entry points, conducting health examinations for travellers from areas associated with the virus

Egypt - Politics
2/18/2020 2:46:14 PM

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
2/13/2020 7:46:00 PM
Al-Ahram Weekly examines the dilemmas that plague the continent and what AU summits have done to address them

Al-Ahram Weekly - Culture
1/26/2020 9:19:20 PM
Set in Upper Egypt, Harem of Fire is an example of feminist theatre not because of its all-female cast, but because of its direct criticism of the oppression of the female identity by the patriarchal system

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
1/15/2020 10:00:00 AM
Halfway through, computer-based exams are going smoothly

World - Region
1/9/2020 7:35:25 PM

Al-Ahram Weekly - World
1/8/2020 3:03:09 PM
Haitham Nouri examines the positions of regional and international players on Turkey’s latest moves in Libya

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