Search Result
" hunger"

760 results

Egypt - Politics
1/14/2020 9:54:00 PM
Mostafa Kassem, who had been in detention since 2013, had gone on hunger strike

Egypt - Politics
12/18/2019 5:57:33 PM

World - Africa
12/9/2019 3:26:36 PM

World - Region
11/1/2019 4:39:33 PM

World - Region
10/30/2019 6:49:35 PM

World - Region
6/29/2019 7:04:18 PM

Egypt - Politics
4/17/2019 8:45:40 PM
Three weeks into her hunger strike, Marwa Kenawi tells Ahmed Morsy she wants retribution for her son who was shot and killed

World - Region
4/16/2019 6:12:00 PM

World - International
4/2/2019 7:43:26 PM

World - International
4/2/2019 12:37:12 PM

World - Region
3/24/2019 5:44:54 PM

World - Region
1/19/2019 5:49:03 PM

World - International
12/16/2018 1:43:10 PM

World - Region
12/4/2018 6:44:25 PM

World - International
12/1/2018 4:39:18 PM

World - Region
11/21/2018 3:09:21 PM

World - Region
11/8/2018 11:03:09 AM

World -
10/16/2018 8:39:23 PM

Opinion -
10/15/2018 3:44:34 PM

World - Region
10/14/2018 8:05:09 PM
A breaking point has been reached in Yemen, with thousands in Taiz taking to the streets, enraged as their children die of starvation before their eyes

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