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" rate"

1976 results

Business - Economy
1/2/2011 12:20:41 PM
2010's successful bonds issue recognized by international bodies as the Egyptian economy rated as the only one to experience expandsion in Africa and the Middle East

Business - Region
12/31/2010 1:55:04 PM
Despite a shrinking agricultural sector, Morocco experiences constant growth

Sports - Egyptian Football
12/31/2010 11:52:35 AM
Hossam Ghaly rated as man of the match in the derby by Ahram Online

Business - Economy
12/26/2010 10:55:03 AM
Central bank of China raised interest rates on Saturday for a second time in just over two months to absorb inflation especially in the real estate sector

World - Region
12/25/2010 10:36:02 AM
Rates of unemployment ignites clashes in the north African nation, leaving one dead and tens injured

Business - Region
12/22/2010 8:30:44 AM
Morocco's central bank held its benchmark interest rate at 3.25 percent on Tuesday, citing stability in prices and an absence of monetary pressures

Business - Economy
12/21/2010 5:40:29 PM
Fuel prices rise for a third time this year as inflation increases for fastest rate in 2 years

Egypt - Politics
12/21/2010 5:18:07 PM
Child births increase to 2 million annually, while schools can only serve 1.7 million, PM says

Business - Economy
12/17/2010 1:22:16 PM
Egyptian interest rates remain constant as the Central Bank yesterday announced its overnight rates.

Business - Economy
12/16/2010 4:59:56 PM
As Bank's Monetary Policy Committee meets today to discuss rates, no changes are expected. Inflation remains in check but some criticize that corporate lending remains low

Business - Economy
12/16/2010 11:43:15 AM
The interest rates remain constant by the central bank of India avoiding future hike, because of previous 6 increases.

Business - Markets & Companies
12/15/2010 3:09:30 PM
Ghana expects the Jubilee oilfield -discovered in 2007- to help double its growth rate to just over 12 per cent next year

Opinion -
12/15/2010 1:34:24 PM
Iran's economy continues to struggle with rising unemployment and high inflation rates. Its foreign policy is making matters worse, as its leaders continue to go up against the international community

Business - Economy
12/9/2010 7:03:17 PM
Egypt's core annual inflation accelerated to 8.58 per cent in November from 7.75 per cent in October, according to the Egyptian Central Bank.

Business - Economy
11/30/2010 8:20:00 PM
The euro sank under 1.30 dollars and bond rates rose on Tuesday when the eurozone debt crisis raged on unabated by Ireland's bailout analysts said, but stock markets were mixed

Business - Region
11/27/2010 5:51:45 PM
Tunisia expects GDP to grow at 5.4% following a rise in public expenditure and accelerated reforms says Prime Minister Mohamed Al Ghanoushi

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