Search Result
" renewable energy"

210 results

Business - Economy
5/24/2012 11:32:15 AM

Business - Economy
2/23/2012 12:43:09 PM
Event attended by major German firms aims to highlight investment opportunities in Egypt's burgeoning renewable energies sector

World - International
1/16/2012 3:28:15 PM
Ban Ki-moon wants world to double its share of renewable energy by 2030 to allay poverty and combat climate change

World - International
8/11/2011 2:58:14 PM
Japan's ruling party reaches agreement with main opposition over a renewable energy bill, Japan's PM Naoto Kan's third condition after which he said he would be ready to quit premiership

World - International
5/10/2011 5:02:49 PM
Japan to scrap former nuclear policy which was meant to transform half of Japan's energy nuclear by 2030, renewable energy new focus

Business - Economy
4/30/2011 5:58:49 PM
Bribes and bureaucracy may be discouraging crucial foreign investment in Egypt's renewable sector, says Transparency International

Business - Economy
4/6/2011 6:23:36 PM
Renewable energy must take lead over fossil fuels in developed and developing countries, says new report

Business - Region
1/25/2011 11:20:04 AM
Saudi will explore nuclear and renewable energy to fulfill its domestic demand without cutting exports

Business - Region
1/4/2011 10:25:23 AM
Revenues in the sector are up despite contraction, said Algerian minister, who added that nuclear and renewable energy programmes are still on the table for near future

Business - Economy
12/17/2010 5:05:13 PM

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