Search Result
" revolution"

5342 results

Arts & Culture - Music
5/16/2020 8:14:07 PM
Better known as 'Sultana of Tarab' or 'The Sultana', Al-Mahdia was born on 16 May 1885 and passed away on 12 March 1965

Books -
5/14/2020 8:41:12 PM
Since the cycle of new publications has slowed due to coronavirus, Ahram Online offers recommendations of books not necessarily published recently that you can read during quarantine

Arts & Culture - Screens
5/5/2020 4:11:24 PM
The new coronavirus pandemic has brought back something unseen in Iran since its 1979 Islamic Revolution: a drive-in movie theater

Books - Reviews
5/3/2020 6:15:17 PM
Gouda AbdelKhalek’s testimony on his 18-month experience as minister of solidarity and social justice is a precise account on how the January Revolution's dreams rose and fell

World - Region
4/19/2020 6:33:50 PM

World - Region
3/18/2020 6:30:19 PM

Al-Ahram Weekly - Opinion
3/10/2020 7:56:40 PM
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed wants a new centralist system in Ethiopia, but this very drive is exposing deep fissures in the ethnic fabric of the nation, writes Mostafa Ahmady

World - Region
3/7/2020 10:59:11 AM

Arts & Culture - Music
3/5/2020 6:38:00 PM
The topic of the composer and the French connection is part of a series of lectures about music headed by composer and conductor Hisham Gabr

Al-Ahram Weekly - World
2/28/2020 5:53:00 PM
With most reformers disqualified from running, Iran’s parliamentary elections returned a landslide victory for conservatives, albeit on meagre voter turnout

Books -
2/26/2020 12:55:34 PM
The main argument is that the revolution didn't arbitrarily happen and that it didn't develop then regress by coincidence

Egypt - Politics
2/25/2020 8:25:36 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/25/2020 1:03:13 PM
Mubarak had entered the intensive care unit after undergoing surgery two weeks ago

Egypt - Politics
2/23/2020 12:47:15 PM
Mubarak was operated on in January, though his son, Alaa Mubarak, added no further details on his medical condition

World - Region
2/22/2020 11:05:16 AM

Opinion -
2/21/2020 6:49:00 PM
The Arab Spring took a dark turn in Libya, and nine years later not much has changed

World - International
2/11/2020 5:46:39 PM

Al-Ahram Weekly - Opinion
2/4/2020 8:17:30 PM
The Egyptian people have accomplished more than what some considered possible since the 25 January 2011 Revolution, solving many of the problems of the previous period, writes Azza Radwan Sedky

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
1/28/2020 10:55:11 PM
Calls for protests on the anniversary of the 25 January Revolution fell on deaf ears

Opinion -
1/28/2020 6:11:06 PM
In a matter of days, the Iranian street seemed to pivot from nationalist sentiment that bolstered the regime to popular outrage against it. It’s too early to tell which will prevail, writes Abdel-Moneim Said

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