Search Result
" streets"

984 results

Egypt - Politics
11/6/2011 3:00:34 PM
Following Sunday morning's Eid Al-Adha prayer service, Mansoura youth took to the streets, destroying all political banners and campaign signs belonging to former regime figures

World - International
11/5/2011 11:28:46 AM
Hundreds of Occupy Sydney protesters take to the streets of Australia's largest city amid a heavy police presence

World - International
11/3/2011 10:45:28 AM
Thousands of Occupy protesters shut down Oakland port, many who did not respond to calls for a general strike express sympathy with demonstrators

Egypt - Politics
11/1/2011 4:50:00 PM
Thousands take the streets to demand freedom for renowned Egyptian blogger and activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah, imprisoned for refusing - on principle - to answer questions by the military prosecution

Multimedia -
11/1/2011 4:43:33 PM
Thousands march through the streets of Cairo to protest against military trials after the detention of prominent activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah

World - Region
10/31/2011 12:24:16 PM
A proposed Arab League plan to end months of bloodshed in Syria includes a demand for Al-Assad to remove tanks from the streets and Cairo-based talks

World - Region
10/30/2011 2:06:29 PM
More than 30,000 Israelis march in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem on Saturday night to protest high housing costs, police sources say

World - Region
10/29/2011 1:11:45 PM
Activists and supporters angered over the spiralling cost of living in Israel are to take to the streets of several cities on Saturday following an eight-week break

Egypt - Politics
10/27/2011 6:49:33 PM
Egypt’s political forces are calling for citizens to hit the streets in force this Friday to protest against the military council's handling of Egypt and bias in favour of counter-revolutionary forces

World - International
10/26/2011 9:53:25 AM
Police and protesters scuffle in the streets of Oakland as more than 1,000 people march on city hall, voicing their anger over numerous arrests at an "Occupy Wall Street" camp

Folk - Folk Arts
10/24/2011 5:26:08 PM
El-Geneina Theatre pushes boundaries in their search for underground talents, bringing shaabi (popular) music from the streets and weddings to the stage

Egypt - Elections 2011
10/24/2011 4:31:32 PM
Lower-ranking policemen took to the streets Monday calling for the removal of the interior minister, a cleansing of remnants of the old regime in the ministry and higher wages

World - Region
10/21/2011 2:24:58 PM
Tens of thousands of Yemeni protesters took to the streets of the Yemeni capital Sanaa demanding President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down, galvanized by the killing of Libya's Gaddafi

World - Region
10/15/2011 11:59:06 AM
Tunisian extremists fire-bombed the home of a TV station chief, hours after militants protesting its broadcast of a film they say violated Islamic values clashed with police in the streets of Tunis

Business - Economy
10/12/2011 2:47:00 PM
A top GE executive says he understands the anger driving protesters to the streets of the United States, bleak economic outlook makes it difficult to address concerns

World - Region
10/7/2011 3:10:42 PM
Protesters take to the streets under the banner of the Syrian National Council amid attacks by the regime's paramilitary loyalists as the UN estimates that Assad's crackdown has killed over 2,900

World - International
10/6/2011 12:42:23 PM
Chilean student representatives break off talks with the government and promise a new march on Santiago's streets in a matter of hours

Egypt - Politics
10/5/2011 11:06:41 AM
Angry over church burning Friday, hundreds of Copts take to Cairo streets Tuesday night to protest and demand equality, but army violently disperses them

World - Region
9/30/2011 4:20:47 PM
Anti-government demonstrators in Yemen return to the streets after Friday prayers to demand embattled president's ouster

Egypt - Politics
9/28/2011 10:13:49 AM
Police officials say that they have a challenging task in finding thousands of cars stolen off streets after Mubarak was ousted

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