Search Result
" stroke"

90 results

Business - Economy
11/5/2019 2:27:54 PM
Some of the key notable achievements of Boehringer Ingelheim in Egypt include its Angel’s Initiative, which aims to improve and maintain the quality of existing stroke centres

Life & Style - Health
5/20/2019 3:07:44 PM
The new study sheds light on how smoking influences the risk of a second stroke in patients who already had one

Arts & Culture - Visual Art
12/13/2018 10:32:00 AM
Gamal Fahmy launched his first visual art exhibition 'Forms & Colors' at Cairo's Picasso Art Gallery on Sunday 9 December

Life & Style - Health
10/4/2018 11:40:08 AM
People with fluctuations in their weight may be more likely to have heart attacks and strokes than those with stable measurements

Life & Style - Health
6/27/2018 12:17:26 PM
Doctors generally advise adults to eat at least two servings a week of oily fish like salmon, mackerel, herring and tuna that are rich in omega-3s, which are linked to a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

Life & Style - Health
4/11/2018 12:13:41 PM
And can sometimes lead to stroke

Life & Style - Health
2/18/2018 2:10:47 PM
Men who were short at age 7 were 10 percent more likely to have an ischemic stroke and 11 percent more likely to have a hemorrhagic stroke

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
8/20/2017 2:40:11 PM
Mahfouz Abdel-Rahman, one of the first screenwriters for Arab television, died yesterday after suffering a stroke

Life & Style - Health
7/5/2017 12:40:49 PM
Having shingles was associated with a 41 percent increased risk of any heart-related problem

Sports - Africa
12/24/2016 1:37:46 PM
The 40-year-old was airlifted to France for specialist treatment after suffering a cerebral aneurysm and falling into a coma

Life & Style - Health
11/27/2016 12:30:04 PM
The condition has been tied to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and general inflammation, which in turn have been tied stroke and hardening of the arteries

Life & Style - Health
10/24/2016 11:04:17 AM
Stroke survivors with secondhand smoke exposure were about twice as likely to die

World - Region
9/28/2016 4:11:18 AM

World - Region
9/15/2016 9:45:01 AM

World - Region
9/13/2016 7:17:14 PM

World - International
9/2/2016 11:00:00 AM

Life & Style - Health
8/24/2016 9:27:22 AM
People with gum disease are twice as likely to have a heart attack, stroke or severe chest pain

Life & Style - Health
8/11/2016 3:32:52 PM

World - Region
6/4/2016 6:15:32 PM

Heritage - Folk Arts
1/15/2016 9:19:14 AM
A stroke by the master is worth a thousand even if he misses

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