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" student"

898 results

World - Region
1/16/2011 12:45:40 PM
Yemeni students demonstrate in the streets of Sanaa to mark the ousting of Tunisian President Ben Ali and call for Arabs to rise up against their "scared and deceitful leaders"

World - Region
1/13/2011 4:03:27 PM
Students clashed with police in two northern Sudanese cities in a rare public protest against price rises, as the oil-producing south is voting on secession, opposition officials and witnesses said

Egypt - Politics
1/12/2011 4:41:41 PM
The decision of Cairo and Ain Shams Universities to insist students must reveal their faces to enter exams ruled as contravening their civil rights

Egypt - Politics
1/10/2011 4:22:48 PM
Students take their case to the Supreme Administrative court after being turned away from their exams for refusing to show their faces

World - Region
1/5/2011 8:32:44 PM
Ehud Barak labelled a criminal and child killer for his role in the Gaza war

Egypt - Attack on Egypt Copts
1/3/2011 3:28:01 PM
It was not an ordinary day for some university students as they stood in protest against terrorism, calling for unity in Egypt

Egypt - Attack on Egypt Copts
1/2/2011 11:15:10 AM
Schools mourn the victims of the Alexandria church bombing and the importance of respecting others is enforced in specially arranged lectures as Egypt responds to Saturday's atrocity

Arts & Culture - Music
12/30/2010 2:08:09 PM
The student band from the Augustana College of Sioux Falls in South Dakota will be touring Egypt

Egypt - Politics
12/27/2010 5:50:31 PM
The deputy minister escaped with security forces in an ambulance after crowds did not believe his assurances the ministry would not interfere with their school

Business - Markets & Companies
12/11/2010 3:44:58 PM
Despite his jeans and the laptop hanging off his shoulder, Amr El-Salanekly, 20, is not your average third-year university student. He is co-founder of Skinzo, the first Egyptian company to produce laptop skins.

World - International
12/11/2010 12:47:49 PM
Police began a major investigation into all student protests in the capital since the first day of action against the fees increase

Egypt -
12/11/2010 11:45:27 AM
53 students were injured last night at an Amr Diab concert after a stadium stand collapsed

World - International
12/9/2010 4:03:11 PM
The tuition tussle in England, revolving around a trebling of university fees, is reaching a climax amid mass protests and an upcoming parliament vote

Books - Review
12/7/2010 1:45:54 PM
Revealing the Egyptian university as a site of intellectual life and contest, the latest edition of Amkenah presents a rich history that speaks to the present

Egypt - Politics
12/1/2010 2:36:34 PM
Students rally in the Nile Delta, cry foul.

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
11/27/2010 12:25:00 PM
Anton Chekhov’s Three Sisters directed by Frank Bradley will be performed by AUC students in December