Search Result
" tales"

85 results

Egypt -
2/11/2011 6:03:38 PM
Residents of Tahrir showing their support for the January 25 uprising by offering shelter and food to the protesters reveal the real threats, turning points and a common dream

World - Region
1/22/2011 5:34:45 PM
In a recently published expose, Israelis talk of the killings and abuse of Palestinian civilians sanctioned by the military establishment

Folk - Street Smart
12/14/2010 1:17:59 PM
At the premises of El-Nahda Culture and Scientific Renaissance Association, a selection of personal old photographs with audio-recorded memories that plays throughout the exhibition is on display

Books -
11/26/2010 2:01:32 PM
A heady mix of fantasy and sexuality marks the latest book of one of Egypt’s rising literary talents.

Multimedia -
11/25/2010 12:33:02 PM
The tales of how the neighborhood of Berket El-Feel in Cairo was named "The Pond of the Elephant."

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