Search Result
" tear gas"

507 results

Multimedia -
11/14/2015 7:15:55 PM
An Israeli policeman throws a tear gas grenade towards Palestinian protesters in Arab East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Jabel Mukaber. November 13, 2015 (Reuters)

World - Region
10/30/2015 6:55:31 PM

World - International
10/24/2015 10:46:48 PM

Multimedia -
10/15/2015 2:02:17 PM
The opposition lawmakers were protesting a European Union-brokered accord with former ruler Serbia

World - Region
9/9/2015 5:33:36 PM

World - International
8/25/2015 5:08:51 PM

World - Region
8/23/2015 5:29:34 PM

Multimedia -
8/23/2015 4:40:17 PM
Lebanese protesters clash near government buildings with security forces who donned riot gear and used tear gas, water cannons, and gunfire to disperse the crowds over the country's trash crisis

World - International
8/20/2015 9:46:51 AM

World - Region
7/26/2015 11:57:27 PM
Dozens of worshipers were reportedly attacked by rubber-coated bullets and suffered excessive tear gas inhalation

World - Region
7/24/2015 8:18:37 PM

World - Region
7/21/2015 9:57:21 PM

World - International
6/29/2015 11:19:44 PM

World - International
5/1/2015 11:14:12 AM

Sports - Egyptian Football
3/30/2015 8:03:41 PM
Following the death of 20 Zamalek supporters from tear gas as they attempted to enter Air Defence Stadium, domestic competitions have been suspended, though the league returned behind closed doors on Monday

Egypt - Politics
3/18/2015 7:35:04 PM
The Criminal Court will oversee the trial of the football disaster where 20 Zamalek club fans were killed in a stampede after being tear-gassed by security forces on 18 April

World - Region
3/8/2015 2:55:50 PM
The Movement of Democratic Women in Israel organised the protest alongside the General Union of Palestinian Women under the slogan ‘Palestinian and Israeli women break the wall’

World - International
2/28/2015 5:05:57 PM

World - Region
2/14/2015 9:15:47 AM

Egypt - Politics
2/12/2015 3:58:58 PM
Zamalek fans blame the death on excessive use of tear gas by the police

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