Search Result
" tomb"

291 results

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
9/8/2018 8:08:17 PM
Minister of Antiquities El-Enany, Minister of Immigration Nabila Makram, Egyptologist Zahi Hawwas, and a number of foreign ambassadors to Cairo, toured the tomb and funery complexes in Saqqara

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
8/27/2018 1:43:01 PM
Ptolemaic rock-hewn tombs uncovered in Alexandria's western cemetery

Egypt - Politics
7/22/2018 3:08:17 PM

Antiquities - Greco-Roman
7/1/2018 3:41:44 PM
A granite sarcophagus and a marble bust were found in a tomb during excavation work on private land in Alexandria

World - Region
6/28/2018 12:17:23 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
6/25/2018 7:28:32 PM
The jars, found in a Kushite tomb, once held viscera

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
5/8/2018 9:58:50 PM
Material found so far at the site testifies to the high status of its General Iwrkhy and his family

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
5/6/2018 1:37:30 PM
The result of a third radar survey show conclusively that there are no hidden chambers in the tomb

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
3/3/2018 12:38:02 PM
A touring exhibition of treasures from the tomb of the ancient Egyptian boy king Tutankhamun is sparking debate among archaeologists

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
2/9/2018 9:13:09 PM

Multimedia -
2/3/2018 1:35:10 PM
The 4000-year-old tomb of the Fifth Dynasty priestess Hetpet was discovered near the Pyramid of Khafre on Giza Plateau

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
2/3/2018 11:44:12 AM
After almost 109 years of searching, the tomb of Hathor’s priestess Hetpet has been uncovered

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
2/1/2018 7:19:33 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
1/18/2018 5:27:51 PM
A team of archaeologists led by Zahi Hawass may be closing in on the resting place of the boy king's wife

Antiquities - Islamic
1/17/2018 2:42:53 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
1/9/2018 1:15:47 PM
The tombstone, which was found at the Al-Abd archaeological site, is decorated with scenes and inscriptions on a flat background representing the facade of an ancient Egyptian temple

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
12/9/2017 4:24:32 PM

World - Region
10/29/2017 5:45:02 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
10/25/2017 4:49:08 PM
The medieval headstone has been partially deciphered as studies continue

Antiquities - Coptic
10/23/2017 11:55:18 AM
The object is carved of limestone and decorated with a cross and Coptic texts

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