Search Result
" tomb"

293 results

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
10/25/2017 4:49:08 PM
The medieval headstone has been partially deciphered as studies continue

Antiquities - Coptic
10/23/2017 11:55:18 AM
The object is carved of limestone and decorated with a cross and Coptic texts

World - International
10/12/2017 3:15:14 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
10/11/2017 1:41:53 PM
To celebrate 200 years since the discovery of the King Seti I tomb, a free visit to King Tutankhamun's tomb will be available to Seti tomb visitors 17 October

Multimedia -
9/9/2017 2:20:26 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
9/9/2017 1:08:58 PM
The tomb was discovered along with a number of others by an Egyptian archaeological mission led by Mostafa Waziri

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
9/8/2017 1:40:25 PM
The ministry has hinted that the tomb is 'important'

Antiquities - Greco-Roman
8/23/2017 4:42:50 PM
Five mud-brick tombs uncovered in Beir Al-Shaghala necropolis in the Western Desert

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
8/15/2017 12:47:59 PM
Three new discoveries in El-Kamin El-Sahrawi point to a large cemetery spanning the 27th Dynasty and the Graeco-Roman era

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
6/8/2017 5:41:37 PM
An archaeological mission from the Ministry of Antiquities discovered the rock-hewn tomb in the city's El-Shatby district

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
6/1/2017 2:51:50 PM
The tombs were uncovered on Aswan's West Bank

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
5/21/2017 3:01:47 PM
The embalming materials of Ipi, vizier and overseer of Thebes and member of the elite during the reign of King Amenemhat I in the early 12th Dynasty, have been rediscovered in his tomb at Deir Al-Bahari on Luxor's west bank.

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
5/6/2017 1:16:10 PM
The Golden King Tutankhamun's human remains and furniture, discovered in his tomb, are the main focus of this year's conference

Egypt - Politics
4/24/2017 2:33:46 PM
The 12 former ministry employees are accused of helping two German archaeologists steal samples from King Khufu's tomb and other restricted locations

Multimedia -
4/18/2017 7:14:59 PM
An Egyptian archeological mission announced on Tuesday the discovery of an 18th-dynasty magistrate's tomb in West Luxor

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
4/18/2017 12:06:52 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
3/22/2017 12:48:33 PM
The intact tomb of the brother of a 12th Dynasty Elephantine governor has been uncovered, containing a range of funerary goods

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
1/31/2017 9:00:24 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
1/11/2017 12:04:12 PM
New tombs discovered at Gebel Al-Silsila area in Aswan continue to change perceptions of the nature and role of this ancient Egyptian quarry

Egypt - Politics
12/25/2016 2:53:13 PM
The tourists visited St. Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai, St. Catherine's protectorate, the tomb of Nabi Saleh, as well as Bedouin dwellings

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