Search Result
" tomb"

291 results

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
9/20/2015 6:12:03 PM
The boy king's resting place will undergo restoration work

World - Region
9/4/2015 10:36:04 AM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
8/30/2015 5:45:57 PM
The tomb of the 26th dynasty vizier of Upper Egypt discovered in South Assassif on Luxor's west bank

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
8/25/2015 7:53:36 PM
The mummy will be displayed in its tomb

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
8/23/2015 4:55:15 PM
The recent theory regarding the tomb of the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti should be welcomed by the scientific community. But it requires very careful evaluation, Egyptian renowned archaeologist Zahi Hawass says

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
8/16/2015 1:20:40 PM
Could the long lost burial place of Queen Nefertiti be located inside King Tutankhamun's tomb? Al-Ahram Daily Interviews British archaeologist Nicholas Reeves

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
8/12/2015 10:01:16 PM
A British archaeologist says that a hidden doorway in Tutankhamun's tomb leads to his step mother's resting place; Hawas calls study a mere 'theory'

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
7/7/2015 3:10:14 PM
Four pre-dynasty tombs have been uncovered at Tel Al-Farkha in the Nile Delta

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
6/7/2015 4:09:21 PM
A new collection of 26th Dynasty tombs are uncovered in Aswan, described as 'distinguished' by Egypt's antiquities minister

World - Region
5/10/2015 6:19:49 PM

World - Region
5/10/2015 2:39:22 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
4/20/2015 3:03:16 PM
A mud brick tomb of the third dynasty king Kha-Ba has been discovered in the Delta

World - Region
4/5/2015 10:14:39 AM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
4/3/2015 9:37:11 PM
Egyptian Museum director says Italian archaeology expert theory unsubstantiated by scientific evidence

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
4/2/2015 5:15:55 PM
Two sixth dynasty tombs of King Pepi II’s priests uncovered in Saqqara

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
3/3/2015 12:48:32 PM
A painted tomb of the guard of god Amun’s gate uncovered in Luxor

World - Region
2/23/2015 8:02:27 PM

World - Region
2/22/2015 8:39:23 AM

World - International
2/18/2015 10:26:58 AM

World - International
2/16/2015 10:43:16 AM

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