Search Result
" tourists"

678 results

Business - Economy
3/31/2011 12:32:41 PM
Regional turmoil is creating an unexpected boom for Dubai as tourists and businessmen flock once again to the shopping and skyscraper oasis after fleeing just a few years ago in the wake of its spectacular debt debacle

Egypt - Politics
3/15/2011 6:18:01 PM
Minister of Tourism says that tourists are returning to Egypt

Egypt -
2/22/2011 6:09:48 PM
Twice a year the face Ramses II’s statue is directly lit by sunlight through his temple. Despite Egypt’s political turmoil many tourists were present for the phenomena

World - Region
2/16/2011 12:42:27 PM
Some tourists cannot wait for the situation to be stable in Tunisia to visit their favourite places there

Egypt - Politics
1/17/2011 3:59:00 PM
The country's high roads are notorious for their lack of safety measures

Egypt - Politics
1/16/2011 3:34:25 PM
New regulations and penalties in Sharm El-Sheikh aim to ensure the safety of tourists against shark attacks

World - Region
1/14/2011 3:42:58 PM
Holiday operator Thomas Cook is evacuating around 1,800 British and Irish tourists and 2,000 Germans from Tunisia in light of the political unrest and demonstrations, the company said.

Business - Economy
1/13/2011 9:27:55 PM

Egypt -
12/28/2010 4:30:55 PM

Egypt -
12/27/2010 10:08:16 AM
President Barak Obama was briefed on the traffic accident in Aswan which took the lives of 8 American tourists

Egypt -
12/26/2010 2:10:54 PM
A tour bus slammed into a truck in southern Egypt on Sunday, killing eight American tourists and injuring 21 others in the latest fatal crash involving tourist

Egypt -
12/26/2010 11:35:21 AM
Tourists and locals are killed in collision near Abu Simbel in Upper Egypt

World - Region
12/24/2010 2:21:52 PM
Tourists flock to Bethlehem on a Christmas eve more summery than usual

Egypt - Politics
12/13/2010 11:40:38 AM
Egypt said on Sunday it was reopening its shores to tourists at Sharm El Sheikh after a series of shark attacks over the last two weeks, which killed one person and injured four

Egypt -
12/11/2010 11:06:08 AM
Sharks of different species are behind recent attacks on tourists at Egypt's Red Sea, a US marine biologist says

Egypt -
12/7/2010 10:34:00 AM

Egypt -
12/4/2010 3:45:46 PM
As the government scrambles to end shark attacks on tourists, experts call for the killing of sharks to stop and for snorkeling to be regulated instead.

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
11/10/2010 7:55:15 PM
Tourists will soon be able to see two sections of the Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor looking much as they did in the days of the Pharaohs

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