Search Result
" transport"

1046 results

World - Region
8/20/2017 6:26:43 PM

Egypt - Politics
8/14/2017 3:37:00 PM
Egypt's Transport Minister Hisham Arafat said on Monday that Friday's deadly train collision was caused by manually operated systems and poor infrastructure

Egypt - Politics
8/14/2017 1:40:45 PM
Transport Minister Hisham Arafat appointed Sayed Ibrahim Mohamed Salam to run the authority one day after the resignation of the body's former director

Egypt - Politics
8/13/2017 10:46:33 AM
The crash on Friday, which killed 42 people in Alexandria, resulted from an outdated railway system operated manually by humans, according to Hisham Arafat

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
8/7/2017 6:37:09 PM
A soft opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum is planned for April 2018

Egypt - Politics
8/4/2017 3:11:50 PM
In March, the price of metro tickets doubled from EGP 1 to EGP 2

Travel - News
8/2/2017 9:18:32 AM

World - International
7/28/2017 10:06:12 AM

Business - Economy
7/17/2017 12:58:44 PM

Egypt - Politics
7/12/2017 6:36:46 PM

Egypt - Politics
7/9/2017 4:25:49 PM

World - International
7/4/2017 10:52:49 AM

Egypt - Politics
6/29/2017 4:11:28 PM

World - International
6/28/2017 9:35:00 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
6/19/2017 4:42:37 PM
Mummified dates, grains and small model boats were among the objects moved in this most recent batch, an operation that required careful packing and essential restoration work

Egypt - Politics
5/24/2017 4:44:45 PM

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
5/23/2017 3:51:36 PM
The artefacts are being moved in preparation for the new museum's soft opening in 2018

Business - Economy
5/17/2017 8:38:53 PM

Egypt - Politics
5/5/2017 4:43:02 PM
The sunfish had been injured at sea and was being transported by the environment ministry to Hurghada for treatment

World - International
5/1/2017 9:30:28 PM

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