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Egypt - Politics
11/15/2013 8:53:47 PM
Recently-released CIA reports from Egypt between 1967 and 1979 unveil regional alliances between pro-Nasser groups that the CIA saw as a threat to the stability of the Sadat regime

Egypt - Politics
11/15/2013 12:12:18 PM
According to the report, the former president considered Egyptians to be superior to other Arabs

Egypt - Politics
11/13/2013 10:30:44 PM
Documents include political and personal profiles of three presidents who signed the historical accords

World - International
11/2/2013 11:20:46 AM
Intelligence officials and militant commanders say Pakistani Taliban meeting to choose new leader after their chief was killed in US drone strike

World - International
11/2/2013 10:21:45 AM
The Federal Bureau of Investigation says the motive for the shooting still unclear, but it could not rule out terrorism

World - Region
10/28/2013 10:31:40 AM
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers says the United States 'has to repair a friction with Saudi Arabia soon'

World - International
10/26/2013 2:39:22 PM
UN Human rights investigators highlight secrecy as biggest hurdle to determine civilian causalities

World - International
10/26/2013 1:34:24 PM
Lawyers for five Guantanamo prisoners charged with plotting the Sept. 11 attacks request the declassification of the CIA's Program that led to enhanced interrogation techniques described as torture

World - International
10/26/2013 10:32:12 AM
'What Snowden did, has put Americans at greater risk, because terrorists learn from leaks and they will be more careful,' the CIA's former number-two ranking official said

World - Region
9/26/2013 2:45:41 PM
The human rights organization Reprieve says a Saudi citizen, currently being held in Guantanamo Bay, was once secretly brought to a CIA detention site in Lithuania

World - Region
9/5/2013 9:27:30 AM
US may consider expanding support for Syrian rebels by having the Pentagon take charge of arming the opposition instead of a clandestine effort by the CIA

World - International
9/2/2013 10:08:29 AM
One of five job seekers in US intelligence agencies including the CIA are thought to be linked to extremist groups, purportedly trying in infiltrate them, report leaked to the Washington Post finds

World - Region
8/20/2013 9:58:59 AM
A newly uncovered document from George Washington University's National Security Archive disclosed that the CIA was directly involved in a coup overthrowing Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953

World - International
7/20/2013 8:26:45 PM
German Chancellor Angela Merkel demands an international agreement to protect electronic data

World - International
6/25/2013 9:58:12 AM
Early morning Taliban assault on presidential palace where Karzai resides meant to target CIA office, the palace and the defence ministry nearby

World - Region
6/22/2013 1:18:10 PM
LA Times sources a rebel commander who claims the CIA had already given anti-tank, anti-aicraft covert training in a new desert base before President Obama declared the US would arm rebels

World - Region
6/22/2013 10:03:34 AM
As representatives of the "Friends of Syria" group meet in Doha, the US military expand its presence in Jordan to 1,000 troops, in a show of force amid the raging civil war in neighbouring Syria

World - International
5/23/2013 8:49:27 PM
US President Barack Obama says his administration is willing to consider accepting increased oversight of lethal drone strikes outside of war zones like Afghanistan

World - Region
5/19/2013 10:33:42 AM
Iran executes to men accused of working with Israel's Mossad agents and the US's Central Intelligence Agency

World - International
5/15/2013 12:19:36 PM
Washington and Moscow seek to contain tensions over a spy said to have been secretly working at the US embassy

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