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Egypt - Politics
4/24/2011 10:06:00 AM
In the midst of rising sectarian tensions, some Copts are considering fleeing the country while others opt to ready themselves to fight for social and political equality and emancipation

Egypt - Politics
4/23/2011 12:26:07 PM
Three Coptic brothers are arrested on suspicion of murdering their sister, her husband and five-year-old son, allegedly as punishment for her conversion to Islam

Egypt - Politics
4/22/2011 4:27:07 PM
Thousands still protest in Qena demanding the Christian governor removed

Egypt - Politics
4/22/2011 2:07:13 PM
Fearing that Egypt's Coptic community may be at risk as sectarian tensions grow, Muslims plan to act as human shields during Easter prayers

Opinion -
4/21/2011 5:58:06 PM
Those who want a secular and civil state should stop playing into the hands of Islamists by following and reacting to their every word and deed

Opinion -
4/20/2011 2:02:18 PM
With the Muslim Brotherhood issuing moderate statements in an effort to calm fears that they will alienate anyone who isn’t male and Muslim from politics, what are Egyptian secularists and Copts afraid of?

Egypt - Politics
4/18/2011 8:26:48 PM
Crisis in Qena escalates as residents feel "trapped". Roads are blocked and city becomes increasingly isolated

Egypt - Politics
4/18/2011 1:36:49 PM
Salafist spokesman criticizes aspects of democracy and stands against women for parliament and Copts for presidency

Egypt - Politics
4/13/2011 5:13:38 PM
Copts attend their first Mass in Two Martyrs’ Church in Soul village, which was burned in a sectarian attack last month

Egypt - Politics
3/27/2011 6:06:13 PM
Coptic teacher whose ear was cut off by extremists offered free treatment at Al-Azhar's hospital

Multimedia -
3/25/2011 6:34:30 PM
Copts, anti-state media and anti-government protesters take to the streets of Cairo, in defiance of a new draft law criminalising demonstrations and strikes

Opinion -
3/23/2011 5:52:59 PM
By looking to its rich history and the common values all Egyptians share today, Egypt should be reassured about its ability to steer the troubled, divisive waters ahead

Egypt - Politics
3/22/2011 5:51:32 PM
The Muslim Brotherhood's attempts to reach out to Copts have only confirmed, in the eyes of analysts and activists, long held suspicions that they intend to restrict their civil participation to the Church

Egypt - Politics
3/21/2011 6:30:14 PM
The revolution and its aftermath have prompted many Copts to get involved in political action, from holding protests to making their voices heard at the ballot box

Egypt -
3/18/2011 12:33:12 PM
In light of recent events, the dormant fears of an Islamic state have come to life once again particularly for the Christian minority in Egypt.

Egypt - Politics
3/17/2011 5:42:51 PM
The head of the Coptic Church has returned to Cairo after medical tests in the US, urging Egyptians to vote in Saturday's referendum on proposed constitutional amendments

Egypt - Politics
3/16/2011 12:01:38 PM
The military forcefully disperses thousands of Copts marching on Maspero from Shubra, protesting the violent expulsion of pro-Coptic sit-in demonstrators on Sunday

Egypt - Politics
3/15/2011 4:14:45 PM
Four days ahead of the referendum, concerns over hastily arranged elections, limitations, consequences and, in some cases, self interest continue to dominate the social and political scene

Egypt - Politics
3/14/2011 3:54:52 PM
While most Coptic protesters agreed to end their 9-day long sit-in in downtown Cairo, those who insisted on maintaining the protest were violently evacuated

Egypt - Politics
3/13/2011 3:55:02 PM
Supreme Council of Armed Forces began rebuilding torched church in Atfeeh, Helwan

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