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Egypt - Politics
3/13/2011 12:57:09 PM
A Muslim/Christian group from Soul will clarify events surrounding the burning of their ‎church in order to convince a Coptic sit-in to dissipate

Multimedia -
3/11/2011 7:52:18 PM
Following days of deadly sectarian violence, Egypt holds Day of National Unity in Tahrir, while Copts continue to protest outside the state TV building

Egypt - Politics
3/11/2011 5:43:33 PM
Egyptians take to the street en masse to oppose sectarian strife

Egypt - Politics
3/11/2011 3:54:13 PM
Thousands gather in Tahrir Square and in front of the state television building Friday, protesting sectarianism and pledging national unity

Egypt - Politics
3/10/2011 5:31:43 PM
Reconciliation efforts seem to have reduced Muslim-Christian tensions in the village of Soul, but thousands of angry Copts and sympathetic Muslims maintain their protest outside the state TV building for a sixth day

Opinion -
3/9/2011 4:09:03 PM
The timing of the recent violence perpetrated against Egypt’s two most visibly persecuted groups comes as no surprise considering how their rights were abused by the previous regime as way to prop up and legitimize its existence

Egypt - Politics
3/9/2011 3:04:04 PM
The eruption of religious sectarian strife, peaking in yesterday's clashes and killing 13 protesting the burning of a church, may have been instigated by a state security body bent on revenge and counter-revolution

Egypt - Politics
3/9/2011 2:05:15 PM
The National Association for Change's visit to the village of Soul, to seek a solution to the sectarian tensions that have erupted in violence and the destruction of a church, one of a number of planned visits and events

Egypt - Politics
3/9/2011 12:59:00 PM
Several political parties and activists are calling on protesters to hold a 'Friday of National Unity' march from Tahrir Square to Helwan

Egypt - Politics
3/9/2011 12:15:42 PM
While the Egyptian revolution united Muslims and Copts, clashes erupted yesterday and the inflammatory acts are suspected to be state security-orchestrated

Multimedia -
3/8/2011 9:14:35 PM
Thousands of Copts hold a sit in outside Egypt's state television building in Cairo in protest over the burning of a church in a village south of the capital.

Egypt - Politics
3/8/2011 6:42:33 PM
For the fourth day in a row, the sit-in outside the state television building in Cairo continues, contrary to news reports, with protesters demanding justice and freedom of worship

Egypt - Politics
3/8/2011 12:39:46 PM
Hundreds of Copts continued their demonstrations before the TV building in downtown Cairo, and elsewhere protesting the the torching of a Coptic church, and demandinga an end to discrimination and fully equal rights of worship

Opinion -
3/1/2011 12:48:27 PM
It would be more judicious to look beyond the Constitution's declaration of Islam as Egypt's state religion and source of legislation than be weighed down in semantics on the path to a free nation

Books -
2/28/2011 2:23:38 PM
From New York to Tahrir to Alexandria, a joyous journey of rediscovering a collectivity

Egypt - Politics
2/24/2011 2:10:20 PM

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2011 2:21:07 AM
A prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood says that according to the constitution women and Copts could run for presidency

Egypt - Politics
2/15/2011 3:46:11 PM
Pope Shenouda III praises the 25 January revolution and supports a civil democratic state

Egypt - Politics
2/6/2011 5:50:54 PM
Coptic Patriarch again lends his support to Hosni Mubarak

Egypt - Politics
2/6/2011 11:44:38 AM
Protesters prepare for 'Martyrs' Sunday' by surrounding the square's administrative complex and holding a Coptic mass

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