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41 results

Life & Style - Health
5/22/2018 12:05:25 PM
Compared to people who never ate eggs, individuals who ate an average of 0.76 eggs per day were 11 percent less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases

Sports - World
5/10/2017 5:30:41 PM

Life & Style - Health
11/30/2016 9:00:00 AM
Meet the oldest human alive, with the most amazing story, and most peculiar diet!

World - Region
11/3/2016 11:38:38 AM

Life & Style - Health
10/30/2016 2:40:20 PM
The procedure is no longer performed. But the study of the children is timely because just last month, the first baby was born from mixed genetic material from three people

World - Region
1/18/2016 8:39:17 PM

World - Region
11/25/2015 5:07:56 PM

Heritage - Folk Arts
6/5/2015 7:57:31 AM
One woman and two girls to fry two eggs

World - Region
1/18/2015 3:17:44 PM

Multimedia -
3/31/2013 9:31:19 PM
People around the world prepare to celebrate Easter by painting eggs, going for a swim or taking part in New York City's annual Easter parade

Business - Economy
2/26/2013 8:06:20 PM
Eggs may have been wrongly labelled organic or free-range

Life & Style - Health
8/25/2012 2:20:01 PM
If you had a chronic and potentially debilitating condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease, and swallowing the eggs of a pig parasite could help, would you do it?

Life & Style - Food
4/10/2012 5:24:04 PM
A centuries old practice of soaking eggs in young-boys' urine remains a strong springtime tradition for the Chinese city of Dongyang

World - International
3/1/2012 9:16:07 PM
French President Nicolas Sarkozy is mobbed by Basque activists and Socialist Party supporters in France's south-western Basque region

Business - Economy
1/13/2012 1:18:22 PM
Scuffles break out in Chinese capital after customers queuing all night for the latest gadget are told to go home empty-handed

World - Region
11/16/2011 8:23:43 PM
Pro-Assad protesters hurl rocks at Moroccan embassy in Damascus after Rabat hosts controversial Arab League meeting

World - Region
11/10/2011 5:55:22 PM
Angry expat protesters block a Syrian opposition delegation from entering the Cairo-based Arab League, throwing them with eggs

Egypt - Politics
4/11/2011 11:48:23 AM
The continued presence of ousted President Mubarak in a resort town in Egypt eggs on the counter-revolution, says presidential hopeful, El-Bastawisi

World - International
2/24/2011 12:27:37 PM
Protesters in south Taiwan throw eggs and flowers at Chinese negotiator Chen Yunlin as he arrives for a business forum in Koahsiung

World - Region
1/21/2011 3:27:36 PM
Protesters blocked FM Alliot-Marie's jeep in demonstration against her in response to comments made in support of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit during her trip to the region

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