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"Gamal Essam El-Din"

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Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
3/18/2022 2:27:00 PM
Cairo and Moscow are keen to protect bilateral economic relations from the fallout of the war in Ukraine.

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
3/18/2022 12:38:00 PM
Retail controls, market monitoring, and a ban on the export of strategic commodities are some of the measures being taken to reign in inflation.

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
3/14/2022 12:44:00 PM
The government says it will clamp down on traders who use the war in Ukraine to raise prices of basic commodities.

Egypt - Politics
3/13/2022 4:59:06 PM
Hanafy El-Gebaly, speaker of Egypt's House of Representatives, and his Kuwaiti counterpart Marzouq El-Ghanem announced Sunday that they intend to step up coordination in regional and international parliamentary circles to defend their vital interests and those of the Arab world.

Egypt - Politics
3/12/2022 5:18:04 PM
Egypt's Senate – the consultative upper house of parliament – will convene on Sunday and Monday to resume discussions over the articles of the new insurance law following a two-week recess.

Egypt - Politics
3/12/2022 12:38:27 PM
Abdel-Sanad Yamama was elected as the new leader of Egypt’s opposition El-Wafd party on Friday.

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
3/8/2022 11:45:33 PM
The House of Representatives this week discussed the strategy of the newly-reconstituted National Council for Human Rights.

Egypt - Politics
3/8/2022 8:58:48 PM
Egypt's House of Representatives – the lower house of parliament – gave Tuesday final approval to government-drafted amendments to three laws on fighting irregular migration, prison regulation and agrarian reform.

Egypt - Politics
3/7/2022 6:30:39 PM
Egypt's House of Representatives approved on Monday two laws, the first of which was designed to regulate commercial and real estate brokerage activities.

Egypt - Politics
3/6/2022 5:55:47 PM
Egypt's House of Representatives – the lower house of parliament – provisionally approved Sunday amendments to two laws regulating the use of sea vessels and the performance of real estate brokerage activities.

Egypt - Politics
3/5/2022 5:09:35 PM
Following a two-week holiday, Egypt's House of Representatives – the lower house of parliament – will reconvene this week, holding plenary sessions on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
3/1/2022 10:54:43 PM
A protracted energy crisis due to the Russia-Ukraine war will boost Egypt’s natural gas exports to European and Eastern Mediterranean markets, reports Gamal Essam El-Din

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
3/1/2022 10:46:39 PM
Political commentators in Egypt are divided in their response to the war in Ukraine, reports Gamal Essam El-Din

Egypt - Society
2/27/2022 5:10:41 PM
The Senate – Egypt's consultative upper house of parliament – gave preliminary approval Sunday to a new government-drafted insurance law.

Egypt - Society
2/26/2022 4:06:02 PM
The Senate – Egypt's consultative upper house of parliament – will reconvene on Sunday and Monday to discuss a new government-drafted insurance law.

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
2/25/2022 9:48:00 PM
The cabinet is seeking to rationalise the bread subsidy system, halt infringements on agricultural land, and reform rental laws.

Al-Ahram Weekly - Egypt
2/22/2022 10:12:37 PM
Egypt and the US set up a joint working group to coordinate climate policies ahead of this year’s COP27 summit, reports Gamal Essam El-Din

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2022 6:59:42 PM
Egypt's parliament rejected on Tuesday amendments to the income tax law that would have imposed a new tax on the sale of real estate.

Egypt - Politics
2/22/2022 5:44:30 PM
Egypt’s Parliament — the House of Representatives — provisionally approved on Tuesday new amendments to two laws regulating the performance of the General Intelligence Apparatus (Law 100/1971 – Law 80/1974).

Egypt - Politics
2/21/2022 7:19:56 PM
​Egypt's parliament gave on Monday preliminary approval for a new government-drafted law aimed at liberalising rents for non-residential properties.

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