Search Result
"Holy Family"

51 results

Egypt - Politics
10/4/2017 4:51:49 PM

Egypt - Politics
5/30/2017 10:30:20 PM

Business - Economy
5/9/2017 7:15:19 PM

Antiquities -
6/5/2016 1:30:03 PM
Coptic history researcher Robert Al-Faress tells Ahram Online the journey of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus through Egypt is not just an event in 'Christian history' but should be taught to and celebrated by all Egyptians

Egypt - Politics
6/2/2014 12:09:19 PM
Attendees of the celebration held on Sunday by the Abi Serja Church visited the cave where the Holy Family found shelter in Egypt and the well from which it drew its drinking water

Folk - Photo Heritage
1/6/2014 1:17:46 PM
As Egyptians celebrate Coptic Christmas, Ahram Online examines rare photos of prominent landmarks on the Holy Family's journey through Cairo

World - Region
2/11/2013 9:16:03 AM
Rising of fundamentalists and extremists in Libya puts more pressures on Christians living in the African country

Arts & Culture - Visual Art
12/11/2012 12:07:04 PM
Banksy's Christmas card depicting Mary and Joseph interrupted by a Separation Wall causes a stir on social media

Arts & Culture - Visual Art
5/27/2012 5:16:00 PM
On Sunday, 3 June, Picasso Gallery will launch the exhibition 'The Holy Family in Egypt,' displaying the works of many Egyptian artists

Arts & Culture - Visual Art
8/21/2011 2:58:04 PM
Supreme Council of Culture will hold a discussion on Paintings of the Pilgrimage: The Art of Expression of the Holy Journey, this evening

Folk - Folk Arts
12/17/2010 1:01:15 PM
A sea of pottery crafted by Garagos villagers, is currently on display at the Holy Family College in Cairo's Ramsis St.

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