Search Result
"Israeli occupation"

523 results

World - Region
5/22/2011 3:32:09 PM
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has approved the construction of 294 new homes in Beitar Ilit settlement on the occupied West Bank, the Israeli NGO Peace Now reported on Sunday

World - Region
5/15/2011 4:48:34 PM
PLO factions have reached a consensus on current Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad as their candidate to lead the transitional national unity government being formed under the recent accord between Fatah and Hamas

World - Region
5/15/2011 12:40:00 PM
Amnesty International's annual report details the ongoing human rights violations committed by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories

World - Region
5/15/2011 12:18:40 PM
Tear gas and rubber bullets were used in exchange for stone hurling between Palestinians protesting Israeli occupation on the 63rd anniversary of the Nakba and Israeli troops

World - Region
5/14/2011 12:44:32 PM
At a recent conference in Cairo discussing Palestinian reconciliation, and the state of peace efforts in the region, heated debate was sparked when it came to discussing resistance

Egypt - Politics
5/4/2011 11:15:28 AM
Palestinian top negotiator and aide to President Abbas stress to Ahram Online that presenting a united front against Israeli occupation is top-priority, above any factions' different interests

World - Region
5/2/2011 8:13:03 PM
Palestinians in Hebron continue to suffer further indignation at the hands of the Israeli occupation

World - Region
5/1/2011 1:58:48 PM
A French court vindicates Jamal Al-Dorra's against Israeli claims that he was already wounded before he and his son came under Israeli fire, which was caught on video

World - Region
4/30/2011 2:46:50 PM
Reconciliation has brought about a new media policy, focusing on the "positives" of agreement between rival Palestinian factions

World - Region
4/30/2011 1:03:37 PM
Following successful reconciliation talks between Fatah and Hamas in Cairo, Gaza prime minister expresses his readiness to resign to end divisions

World - Region
4/27/2011 5:32:23 PM
Israel, which enjoys below-market gas prices from Egypt after Camp David Accords, considers alternatives to Egyptian gas flow in light of recent pipeline bombings and political winds of change

World - Region
4/27/2011 5:16:57 PM
Palestine's rival governments meet Egypt’s new spy chief in Cairo to kickstart stalled reconciliation talks between Hamas and Fatah

World - Region
4/26/2011 3:46:22 PM
The PA plans to introduce an independent currency, unfettering itself from the economic shackles brought on by the Paris accords in 1995

World - Region
4/25/2011 11:23:53 AM
Crooked officials come under greater scrutiny as the Palestinian Authority's anti-corruption unit looks to prosecute those responsible for embezzling funds

World - Region
4/24/2011 5:31:20 PM
Israeli planes destroy audio-visual spying devices in Gaza, sources tell Ahram Online

World - Region
4/24/2011 11:14:00 AM
Armed Israeli settlers were shot at after entering Joseph's Tomb in Nablus without coordinating with either Palestinian or Israeli security

World - Region
4/23/2011 3:35:18 PM
Israeli governmental source says that looming international recognition of Palestine would dub Israel a 'coloniser,' which would lead to its expulsion from international organisations and force an economic boycott upon it

World - Region
4/23/2011 2:32:57 PM
An Israeli report describes the electronic warfare their intelligence agencies have been carrying out against the Arab world, listing examples and the roughly 300 experts they rely on

World - Region
4/19/2011 6:34:17 PM
Israel's near five years blockade on the Gaza Strip causes extensive poverty, endemic unemployment and 80 percent of Gazans to be dependent on aid handouts

World - Region
4/19/2011 3:01:31 PM
Solidarity activists are to sail Palestinian fishermen to provide them with protection and to monitor the violations committed against them, which undermine their precarious livelihoods

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