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Egypt - Politics
7/19/2012 7:41:08 PM
Dar Al-Efta, the highest institution tasked with deciding religious questions and affiliated with Egypt's Al-Azhar, says the Islamic holy month of Ramadan will begin on Friday 20 July

Business - Economy
7/19/2012 6:57:28 PM
The market ends the week before Ramadan on the up, but not necessarily because the fundamentals are improving

Egypt - Politics
7/18/2012 11:17:25 AM
New constitution to be completed shortly after Ramadan and will propose a semi-presidential system of government similar to that used in France, says constituent assembly member Sobhi Saleh

World - Region
7/17/2012 8:18:15 PM

Business - Economy
7/17/2012 5:12:36 PM
There will be a shorter day in Egypt's banks and on the Egyptian Stock Exchange during the month of Ramadan

World - Region
7/15/2012 3:41:38 PM
Days after students staged their biggest protest since unrest began on June 16, the University of Khartoum decides to shut down the campus to the end of Ramadan

London 2012 - News
7/12/2012 3:12:18 PM
The twin challenges of being Qatar's first female Olympian and running while fasting during Ramadan do not faze teenage sprinter Noor Al-Malki

Business - Economy
7/12/2012 2:26:48 PM
A sit-in continues for the third day in one of Egypt's largest industrial zones on the outskirts of Cairo; workers pledge to protest until demands met

Business - Economy
7/12/2012 2:09:10 PM
Standard trading sessions will last from 10.30am to 1.30pm during the holy month, which starts on 20 July

Arts & Culture - Film
7/12/2012 12:00:00 AM
Al-Almani, a film by Alaa El-Sherif, has generated debate following its commercial release in Egypt, putting the young director in the spotlight

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
7/10/2012 9:26:50 PM
Wide-ranging initiative timed to coincide with fasting month will feature artistic seminars, intellectual forums, poetry readings, musical concerts and theatrical performances

Arts & Culture - Film
7/10/2012 4:19:40 PM
Critics call for cancellation of upcoming Ramadan serial produced by Saudi, Qatar depicting lives of the Muslim Caliphs

Sports - Talents Abroad
7/9/2012 3:22:40 PM
Egypt and Haras El-Hodoud defender has been chased by Arsenal

Books -
7/8/2012 2:23:22 PM
After the high attendance at last year's Ramadan Book Fair premier in Faisal, the General Egyptian Book Organisation repeats the fair in the dense residential neighbourhood not known for cultural activity

Egypt - Politics
7/5/2012 9:20:06 PM
The April 6th Youth Movement launches a new initiative to ensure that the public is heard by the president

Egypt - Politics
7/5/2012 6:38:32 PM
The first niqabi-only TV channel will be launched on the first day of Ramadan; eyebrows raised in media circles

Arts & Culture - Stage & Street
6/28/2012 11:30:56 AM
Head of state TV denies coming under pressure from Islamists to ban drama about dancer and actress Tahia Karioka during Ramadan

Egypt - Politics
6/27/2012 2:10:27 PM
The holy Islamic month of Ramadan this year will begin on 20 July and end on 20 August, according to Egypt's national astronomy institute

Business - Economy
6/27/2012 12:42:52 PM
With Ramadan due to begin on 20 July, the government is racing to supply the market with cut-price commodities to meet the annual surge in consumption

London 2012 - News
5/22/2012 9:42:57 PM
When Malaysian cyclist Azizulhasni Awang opted to postpone his Ramadan fast until after the London Games, the decision was all about going for Olympic gold

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