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"US president"

1387 results

World - International
10/14/2012 2:57:27 PM
Three weeks before US presidential elections, both campaigns urge supporters to cast ballots as soon as possible so as to focus efforts on swing voters

World - International
10/9/2012 8:31:01 PM
A Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll reveals Republican Mitt Romney and US President Barack Obama are now tied after Obama holding steady lead for most of September

World - International
10/4/2012 10:41:28 AM
US President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney faced off Wednesday in the first of three televised debates in the run-up to the November 6 election

World - International
10/3/2012 10:53:36 AM
US President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney to launch their awaited debate ahead of the presidential race in November

World - Region
9/28/2012 12:59:07 PM
Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi meets with US President Barack Obama's counterrorism adviser following his UN speech, criticizing the deployment of the additional Marines in the domestically-turbulent state

World - Region
9/24/2012 12:10:35 PM
Amid Security Council pressure for a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, President Ahmedinejad notes the US is busy with their November presidential elections and not on making a deal

World - Region
9/21/2012 6:36:31 PM
Protests against 'The Innocence of Muslims' video continue in Morocco, as hundreds gather in north-western city of Sale, Friday, chanting against US President Obama and the West

World - Region
9/21/2012 2:58:19 PM
Iran marks anniversary of 1990-1988 Iran-Iraq war with a display of 1000s of military personnel, tanks and missiles through the capital in defiant message to US and Israel

World - International
9/19/2012 3:45:19 PM
US President Barack Obama set to meet with Myanmar opposition leader at White House; media not allowed to cover meeting

World - International
9/14/2012 7:17:52 PM
US presidential candidate Mitt Romney criticized the makers of controversial film that mocks Islam

World - International
9/14/2012 4:57:58 PM
Hundreds of Afghan protesters burn an effigy of US President Barack Obama, coming as an angry reaction to an anti-Islam movie

World - Region
9/14/2012 1:58:57 PM
US President praises Morocco for holding free and fair elections in November as both countries start their unprecedented strategic dialogue

World - International
9/13/2012 6:35:25 PM
Ahead of November's presidential electoral race, US President Barack Obama face a republican campaign accusing him of failing to manage the Middle East tensions, especially after Libya's crisis

World - International
9/13/2012 10:19:54 AM
US president implicitly threatens Morsi government if steps are not taken to secure embassy and personnel inside, as clashes continue in front of Cairo-based embassy between protesters and riot police

World - Region
9/12/2012 6:19:36 PM
US President Barack Obama mourns death of American Ambassador Chris Stevens in 'outrageous' attack on US consulate, promises to work with Libyan government at press conference Wednesday

World - International
9/11/2012 5:26:54 PM
US President Barack Obama addresses nation in low-key anniversary of 11 September, 2011

Opinion -
9/9/2012 3:58:05 PM
Although there's a big difference between Egypt's Mohamed Morsi and US President Barak Obama, there are also some noteworthy similarities

World - International
9/6/2012 4:31:18 PM
Former US President Bill Clinton accuses Republican policies of benefiting the wealthy at the expense of everyone else, attempting to strengthen the popular position of Barack Obama ahead of November's presidential race

World - Region
9/1/2012 1:59:09 PM
Due to the growing tension between the US president and the Israeli PM about Israel's threats to attack Iran, Washington slashes by more than two-thirds the number of US troops going to Israel, Time magazine reports

World - International
8/29/2012 1:14:35 PM
China's official Xinhua news agency warns US of anti-China rhetoric most prominent in Republican candidate Mitt Romney's talk in the US presidential race

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