Search Result
"US-led coalition"

213 results

World - Region
1/25/2019 10:54:23 AM

World - Region
1/16/2019 2:55:09 PM

World - Region
1/13/2019 6:28:34 PM

World - Region
12/25/2018 5:19:06 PM

World - Region
12/10/2018 10:23:55 PM

World - Region
11/30/2018 5:38:30 PM

World - Region
11/10/2018 10:17:57 AM

World - Region
10/26/2018 3:52:52 PM
Although it cost Iraq one million people dead, disabled, widowed or orphaned, and huge destruction to the country as a whole, many Iraqis do not remember the war with Iran

World - Region
10/21/2018 4:44:00 PM

World - Region
9/1/2018 5:25:29 PM
The government crisis in Iraq has exposed a newly assertive US policy towards the country, but the approach seems to be on autopilot

World - Region
8/20/2018 2:09:51 PM

Opinion -
8/4/2018 12:16:44 PM
It is a crucial time for the Iranian people as well as for the region with the expectation of important changes to come

Opinion -
8/1/2018 7:53:35 PM
For all the ire levied against him, Donald Trump is succeeding in making his mark on US foreign policy, overturning traditional doctrine in the process

World - Region
7/25/2018 8:00:22 PM
Israel was strongly present at the recent US-Russia summit in Helsinki, showing its determination to decide Syria’s military and political fate, writes Bassel Oudat in Damascus

World - Region
7/24/2018 7:37:34 PM

World - Region
7/22/2018 6:01:01 PM
As the fight against Islamic State weaves back and forth in Iraq, the question has arisen of whether the terrorist group is becoming a much-needed perpetual enemy

World - Region
7/13/2018 12:20:26 PM

World - Region
6/28/2018 8:32:42 PM
An abrupt message received by the Syrian opposition that it should not rely on US military intervention in the south has upturned political calculations and emboldened Bashar Al-Assad

World - Region
6/27/2018 10:09:45 AM

World - Region
6/19/2018 7:29:02 PM

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