Search Result
"Zeinab El-Gundy"

407 results

Egypt - Politics
1/25/2015 5:13:57 PM
Socialist activist Shaimaa El-Sabagh was killed near Tahrir Square while trying to commemorate the January 2011 uprising

Egypt - Politics
1/15/2015 5:53:28 PM
Ahram Online takes a look at Egyptian reactions to western publications regarded as offensive to Islam and its Prophet Mohammed over the past decade

Egypt - Politics
1/12/2015 10:06:52 PM
After unexpected invitations to talks, political parties are meeting with President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Monday and Tuesday

Egypt - Politics
12/29/2014 3:42:20 PM
Court says the shrine in the northern Delta is no longer a monument while antiquities officials say it was never a monument in the first place

Egypt - Politics
12/25/2014 4:27:16 PM
Egypt's most followed politicians and activists include one woman, one former president, and a number of figures who now live abroad

Egypt - Politics
12/19/2014 2:56:36 PM
The High Council for Cyber-Security was established by the prime minister this week

Egypt - Politics
11/27/2014 6:27:56 PM
Locals in the Red Sea governorate cities Al-Qusair and Ras Gharib are angry at plans to divide the governorate

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